Participants were invited to make individual or joint commitments to help achieve the Agenda for Humanity. In addition, they were invited to align themselves to 32 core commitments developed for the 7 High-level Leaders’ Roundtables of the World Humanitarian Summit. Each stakeholders commitments are organized by commitment type in the table below.
Act early
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to act early upon potential conflict situations based on early warning findings and shared conflict analysis, in accordance with international law.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
- Commit to make successful conflict prevention visible by capturing, consolidating and sharing good practices and lessons learnt.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Remain engaged and invest in stability
Joint Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey (and Finland) commit(s) to enhance the visibility of mediation efforts and to bring mediation to the core of UN peace work. Through the work of the Group, Turkey (and Finland) will strive to strengthen the normative basis of mediation and enhance the UN mediation support capacities. Turkey (and Finland) will also capture, consolidate and disseminate good practices and lessons learnt on conflict prevention.
- Capacity
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Turkey commits to continue providing strong political and financial support to the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations initiative. The Alliance, which Turkey co-sponsors with Spain, remains as one the major international initiatives for promoting harmony, dialogue and peaceful co-existence based on mutual respect for the development of peaceful and inclusive societies.
- Financial
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey commits to allocating additional, predictable resources to the Peacebuilding Fund in the manner of US $1 million by 2020 ($200,000 annually for a period of 5 years) to allow the Fund to continue operations at the current level of $100 million by year.
- Financial Contribution
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts Invest in Humanity
In addressing the root causes of crises and in ending human suffering, Turkey will work together with the United Nations to take due consideration of the humanitarian aspects in all mediation and conflict resolution efforts, in line with the findings of the World Humanitarian Summit.
- Operational
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
In order to increase the effectiveness of mediation efforts, Turkey commits to continue encouraging effective cooperation between the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organizations, in line with General Assembly Resolution 68/303.
- Advocacy
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Turkey commits to assist the Secretary General and the Member States who are willing to draw a well-prepared and comprehensive framework for their mediation efforts that would take psychological, intellectual, ethical and methodological dimensions into account.
- Policy
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Turkey commits to continue its active engagement in the resolution of regional problems in its near abroad and beyond, through the Trilateral / Multilateral Cooperation Mechanisms like the ones launched with the participation of Serbia and Croatia to achieve lasting peace and stability in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the mechanism implemented with Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- Operational
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Turkey commits to continue its work for raising awareness of mediation as an effective tool for peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention and resolution, in particular through the Group of Friends of Mediation within the UN, which was established in 2010 within the framework of the Turkey-Finland joint initiative of Mediation for Peace.
- Advocacy
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Turkey commits to maintain and further develop effective coordination and cooperation among its public actors to ensure maximum impact of its assistance in fragile and conflict affected states and to encourage and support similar efforts among different actors of the global humanitarian system.
- Operational
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Turkey reiterates its determination to continue working in conflict affected countries to create a conducive environment for ensuring stability and resilience.
- Operational
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Turkey will assist the Secretary General in raising awareness regarding the complementary aspects between Alliance of Civilizations and Mediation for Peace, in order to create synergies and fully realize each initiative's aims and purposes. To this end, Turkey invites all Member States and relevant stakeholders to contribute to the replenishment of sustainable and predictable financial and human resources for these two initiatives.
- Advocacy
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to improve prevention and peaceful resolution capacities at the national, regional and international level improving the ability to work on multiple crises simultaneously.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
- Commit to sustain political leadership and engagement through all stages of a crisis to prevent the emergence or relapse into conflict.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
- Commit to address root causes of conflict and work to reduce fragility by investing in the development of inclusive, peaceful societies.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Develop solutions with and for people
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey will continue to strive to increase and strengthen women's participation in mediation.
- Advocacy
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Respect and protect civilians and civilian objects in the conduct of hostilities
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and enhance the protection of civilians and civilian objects, especially in the conduct of hostilities, for instance by working to prevent civilian harm resulting from the use of wide-area explosive weapons in populated areas, and by sparing civilian infrastructure from military use in the conduct of military operations.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Ensure full access to and protection of the humanitarian and medical missions
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey holds the view that responsibility to protect is implemented not only through military means but also by humanitarian assistance. In this regard, Turkey will continue to contribute to efforts of the UN on developing the appropriate framework for the implementation of the "Responsibility to Protect" (RtP), also duly taking into account this aspect of the issue.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Turkey commits to continue its ongoing efforts to ensure that all populations in need receive rapid and unimpeded humanitarian assistance. Turkey will continue to participate in the discussions at various fora with a constructive approach.
- Operational
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Turkey will continue to draw the attention of all the stakeholders to the need for evading steps that will result in legitimization of terrorist organizations while extending humanitarian assistance and also the need for preventing these organizations to abuse humanitarian action.
- Operational
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to ensure all populations in need receive rapid and unimpeded humanitarian assistance.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Take concrete steps to improve compliance and accountability
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey commits to continue its efforts to strengthen its institutional, intellectual and training capacities on international humanitarian law.
- Capacity
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Turkey will continue to support all efforts for the reform of the UN Security Council, to eliminate the major obstacles which prevent its effective functioning or from taking decisive action to protect civilians against massive human rights violations, in particular the use of veto power. In this regard, Turkey reiterates its support for the "Code of Conduct regarding Security Council action against genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes" proposed by the ACT Group (Accountability, Coherence, Transparency Group), as well as the initiative by France and Mexico for the suspension of the veto in case of mass atrocities.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Reduce and address displacement
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Currently hosting the largest number of refugees in the world, Turkey will continue to emphasize the primary importance of fair burden sharing by the international community in dealing with large flows of refugees and migrants. The neighboring countries which currently bear the brunt of this burden have to be supported on a sustainable basis.
- Advocacy
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey calls on the international community to further support UNHCR in its efforts to achieve a genuine and functioning resettlement programme. In light of the fact that only limited number of states offer resettlement on a regular basis and allocate annual resettlement quotas, Turkey proposes the establishment of an international quota system, for fair burden-sharing.
- Advocacy
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey commits to continue sharing its experience and "know-how" regarding the national mechanisms and services for those under temporary protection in Turkey with other partners and stakeholders at the regional and international level.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey commits to continue to work on ensuring full access of Syrians under temporary protection to education and vocational training. In this context, Turkey will strive to provide such services in Turkish and Arabic, in line with national standards.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey commits to cooperate with other countries that are hosting large refugee groups and to encourage them to develop similar approaches where appropriate.
- Policy
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey commits to include assistance projects for refugees in its development planning and to encourage similar medium and long-term approaches at the regional and global level.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey commits to share the results of the implementation of employment policies for Syrians under temporary protection based on the legislation on labour market access adopted in January 2016, with a view to encouraging similar approaches across the globe.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey commits to work on increasing the recognition and visibility of the contributions of refugee hosting countries and communities in the global humanitarian system.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey will continue its efforts in providing social protection, security and access to justice as well as health and education services for Syrians under temporary protection in order to strengthen their resilience and self-reliance.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey will continue to encourage joint analysis and engagement by development and humanitarian actors, as the needs of refugee groups cannot be met only on the basis of short term strategies.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey will continue to seek and encourage strong regional and international cooperation for overcoming the challenges posed by the large movement of refugees and migrants, based on the principle of shared responsibilities at the global level.
- Advocacy
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey will continue to take a leading role in the fight against xenophobia and hate speech specifically targeting the victims of forced displacement and to support national and international initiatives to this end.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey, as currently hosting the largest group of refugees in the world, commits actively to work on, to encourage and to support new approaches for addressing the issues related to forced displacement in light of the principles of "shared responsibility" and "burden sharing".
- Advocacy
- Leave No One Behind
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new approach to addressing forced displacement that not only meets immediate humanitarian needs but reduces vulnerability and improves the resilience, self-reliance and protection of refugees and IDPs. Commit to implementing this new approach through coherent international, regional and national efforts that recognize both the humanitarian and development challenges of displacement. Commit to take the necessary political, policy, legal and financial steps required to address these challenges for the specific context.
- Leave No One Behind
- Acknowledge the global public good provided by countries and communities which are hosting large numbers of refugees. Commit to providing communities with large numbers of displaced population or receiving large numbers of returnees with the necessary political, policy and financial, support to address the humanitarian and socio-economic impact. To this end, commit to strengthen multilateral financing instruments. Commit to foster host communities' self-reliance and resilience, as part of the comprehensive and integrated approach outlined in core commitment 1.
- Leave No One Behind
- Commit to collectively work towards a Global Compact on responsibility-sharing for refugees to safeguard the rights of refugees, while also effectively and predictably supporting States affected by such movements.
- Leave No One Behind
Empower and protect women and girls
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey will continue to support displaced women and girls by providing them with effective access to education at all levels and will continue its efforts, to the greatest extent possible, with a view to awareness raising to prevent early and forced marriages.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey will continue to take appropriate steps to strengthen the leadership role of women in temporary protection centers for Syrians in Turkey and among the displaced communities. Turkey will also continue to make the necessary legal arrangements which will allow women and girls to benefit from education services, financial aid and legal working permits on an equal footing with men.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Turkey will strive to ensure that humanitarian assistance and disaster response manuals are prepared in a gender sensitive way by duly taking into account the needs of women and girls. For this purpose, the contribution of the civil society organizations and academicians will also be sought.
- Policy
- Leave No One Behind
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Empower Women and Girls as change agents and leaders, including by increasing support for local women's groups to participate meaningfully in humanitarian action.
- Leave No One Behind
- Ensure that humanitarian programming is gender responsive.
- Leave No One Behind
Reinforce, do not replace, national and local systems
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey will continue to support the capacity building projects in countries affected by ongoing crises through bilateral assistance programs with a view to increasing resilience at the local and national level.
- Capacity
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to reinforce national and local leadership and capacities in managing disaster and climate-related risks through strengthened preparedness and predictable response and recovery arrangements.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to ensure regional and global humanitarian assistance for natural disasters complements national and local efforts.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to empower national and local humanitarian action by increasing the share of financing accessible to local and national humanitarian actors and supporting the enhancement of their national delivery systems, capacities and preparedness planning.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
Anticipate, do not wait, for crises
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey commits to effectively support seismic retrofit strategies.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey commits to implement the requirements of the "The Ankara Initiative", which commits Turkey to support those countries working on developing against land degradation and drought and promoting Sustainable Land Management, and on enhancing rights to property and resources, especially for women and most vulnerable groups. Turkey commits to support the work which aims to understand the linkages between land degradation, drought and desertification and social instability and migration. Turkey commits to support the work, through technical training, for the establishment and development of drought early warning systems in the most vulnerable countries.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey commits to implement the requirements of the United Nations Convention on Combatting Desertification (UNCCD) and to strengthen the Convention's implementation.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey commits to join the efforts in achieving Land Degradation Neutrality by 2030.
- Partnership
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey commits to work on the implementation of "public-private partnership" in the humanitarian assistance field. Turkey strongly believes that this approach will help to ensure the effective use of limited resources, strengthen the accountability and transparency of the system and prevent the recurrence of humanitarian crises.
- Partnership
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey supports the commitments under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey will continue to develop effective models and programmes at the national level in order to reduce possible future risks and losses, with the aim of creating a disaster resilient society.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey will share its "Disaster-Prepared Turkey" project with the international community in order to create further awareness for better disaster-preparedness at the national, regional and global levels.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to accelerate the reduction of disaster and climate-related risks through the coherent implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, as well as other relevant strategies and programs of action, including the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
- Commit to improve the understanding, anticipation and preparedness for disaster and climate-related risks by investing in data, analysis and early warning, and developing evidence-based decision-making processes that result in early action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Deliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey commits to continue its humanitarian assistance efforts, focusing not only on the vital and urgent needs of the affected people, but also on their medium and long term needs, in order to strengthen their resilience where needed. In this regard, Turkey will continue to make sure that its urgent humanitarian assistance teams also include experts in the development field, for the transition from humanitarian assistance to development assistance where needed.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey commits to encourage and support the active participation of its non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in humanitarian interventions with a view to aligning actions for sustainable development goals.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey commits to further develop academic and expert studies concerning contemporary challenges of the humanitarian work in light of its recent experiences. With this aim, a special academic research center on humanitarian issues has recently been established in the Gaziantep University.
- Policy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey commits to support new approaches and efforts to explore, develop and adopt innovative means in cooperation with the private sector at national, regional and global levels to facilitate investments in the recipient countries to enhance employment and income generation opportunities.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey reiterates its readiness to share its experience and expertise in its policies helping to overcome humanitarian-development divide for the benefit of those in need in relevant crises such as ones of recurrent and protracted nature.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey will continue to share its "know-how" relating to innovative practices like the e-food cards for financially assisting Syrians living in temporary protection centers. It will strive to enhance its response and prioritizes respect for human dignity.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey will continue to share national models, programmes and good practices and expand cooperation at the regional and international levels.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey will continue to strengthen the ongoing coordination among its national institutions in charge of development and humanitarian assistance in order to ensure the planning and distribution of financial resources in an efficient and effective manner.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Turkey will strive to enhance its planning and coordination efforts at the national level with the aim of increasing the contributions of individuals, civil society organizations and the private sector in the humanitarian field and carry out due consultation processes with these stakeholders to this end.
- Partnership
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Invest in local capacities
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey calls for more support and funding tools to frontline responders, by reconfiguring the international financing system to allow critical front-line responding actors, particularly national governments, to access adequate, timely and quality funding on a fair basis by: providing support to capacity investment for frontline responders on a multi-year basis and bringing development approaches and expertise to bear on these efforts, and funding these activities both out of humanitarian and development budget lines; significantly increasing long-term investment in the functional and operational capacity of frontline responders; creating incentives for international actors to channel a greater proportion of their funds, on reasonable terms, to local and national front-line responders; reducing barriers to accessing funding by simplifying and harmonizing partner capacity assessments and application and reporting requirements; ensuring front-line responders are included in collective coordination platforms and response processes have a seat at the table in collective response processes.
- Financial
- Invest in Humanity
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to empower national and local humanitarian action by increasing the share of financing accessible to local and national humanitarian actors and supporting the enhancement of their national delivery systems, capacities and preparedness planning.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
Invest according to risk
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to accelerate the reduction of disaster and climate-related risks through the coherent implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, as well as other relevant strategies and programs of action, including the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
- Commit to invest in risk management, preparedness and crisis prevention capacity to build the resilience of vulnerable and affected people.
- Invest in Humanity
Invest in stability
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Turkey commits to allocating additional, predictable resources to the Peacebuilding Fund in the manner of US $1 million by 2020 ($200,000 annually for a period of 5 years) to allow the Fund to continue operations at the current level of $100 million by year.
- Financial Contribution
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts Invest in Humanity
Turkey commits to continue its financial contribution to the mediation efforts of the UN.
- Financial
- Invest in Humanity
Turkey will continue to support the efforts of the Secretary General for the review of the UN peacebuilding and peacekeeping activities with an understanding "to bring conflict prevention and mediation back to the fore". In this regard, Turkey will be supportive of efforts for providing the UN with the necessary financial means for realizing this objective.
- Financial
- Invest in Humanity
Finance outcomes, not fragmentation: shift from funding to financing
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to enable coherent financing that avoids fragmentation by supporting collective outcomes over multiple years, supporting those with demonstrated comparative advantage to deliver in context.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
- Commit to promote and increase predictable, multi-year, unearmarked, collaborative and flexible humanitarian funding toward greater efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of humanitarian action for affected people.
- Invest in Humanity
- Commit to broaden and adapt the global instruments and approaches to meet urgent needs, reduce risk and vulnerability and increase resilience, without adverse impact on humanitarian principles and overall action (as also proposed in Round Table on "Changing Lives").
- Invest in Humanity
Diversify the resource base and increase cost-efficiency
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and increase predictable, multi-year, unearmarked, collaborative and flexible humanitarian funding toward greater efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of humanitarian action for affected people.
- Invest in Humanity