Participants were invited to make individual or joint commitments to help achieve the Agenda for Humanity. In addition, they were invited to align themselves to 32 core commitments developed for the 7 High-level Leaders’ Roundtables of the World Humanitarian Summit. Each stakeholders commitments are organized by commitment type in the table below.
Act early
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to act early upon potential conflict situations based on early warning findings and shared conflict analysis, in accordance with international law.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
- Commit to make successful conflict prevention visible by capturing, consolidating and sharing good practices and lessons learnt.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Remain engaged and invest in stability
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to improve prevention and peaceful resolution capacities at the national, regional and international level improving the ability to work on multiple crises simultaneously.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
- Commit to sustain political leadership and engagement through all stages of a crisis to prevent the emergence or relapse into conflict.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
- Commit to address root causes of conflict and work to reduce fragility by investing in the development of inclusive, peaceful societies.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Respect and protect civilians and civilian objects in the conduct of hostilities
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and enhance the protection of civilians and civilian objects, especially in the conduct of hostilities, for instance by working to prevent civilian harm resulting from the use of wide-area explosive weapons in populated areas, and by sparing civilian infrastructure from military use in the conduct of military operations.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Ensure full access to and protection of the humanitarian and medical missions
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- México se compromete a promover en los órganos de gobierno de las Agencias, Fondos y Programas y otros entes que operan en contextos de crisis humanitarias, que sus jefes ejecutivos adopten todas las medidas a su disposición para garantizar la protección y seguridad de su personal. México se compromete asimismo a seguir colaborando en la codificación y fortalecimiento del derecho internacional en la materia, para garantizar que los responsables de ataques deliberados contra el personal humanitario comparezcan ante la justicia.
- Advocacy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to ensure all populations in need receive rapid and unimpeded humanitarian assistance.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Commit to promote and enhance efforts to respect and protect medical personnel, transports and facilities, as well as humanitarian relief personnel and assets against attacks, threats or other violent acts.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Speak out on violations
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to speak out and systematically condemn serious violations of international humanitarian law and serious violations and abuses of international human rights law and to take concrete steps to ensure accountability of perpetrators when these acts amount to crimes under international law.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Take concrete steps to improve compliance and accountability
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- México se compromete a continuar promoviendo el fortalecimiento, la promoción y el respeto del Derecho Internacional Humanitario asociando, en el ámbito de su competencia, a la Cruz Roja mexicana, teniendo en cuenta su función de auxiliar de los poderes públicos y su cometido a favor del Derecho Internacional Humanitario.
- Advocacy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- México se compromete a erradicar la violencia sexual y por razón de género.
- Operational
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- México se compromete a movilizar y sensibilizar a la comunidad internacional para lograr un compromiso voluntario de los cinco miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas para abstenerse de recurrir al veto en casos de atrocidades en masa.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and enhance respect for international humanitarian law, international human rights law, and refugee law, where applicable.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Commit to speak out and systematically condemn serious violations of international humanitarian law and serious violations and abuses of international human rights law and to take concrete steps to ensure accountability of perpetrators when these acts amount to crimes under international law.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Implement a coordinated global approach to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in crisis contexts, including through the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-based Violence in Emergencies.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Fully comply with humanitarian policies, frameworks and legally binding documents related to gender equality, women's empowerment, and women's rights.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity Leave No One Behind
Uphold the rules: a global campaign to affirm the norms that safeguard humanity
Joint Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Mexico pledges to continue to promote ratification of and accession to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention by States. It remains gravely concerned about the continued use of anti-personnel mines and strongly condemn any such use by any actor. It further pledges to uphold its commitment to meet the humanitarian goal of the Convention – a world free from the use and stockpiling of anti-personnel mines, and to put an end to the suffering caused by anti-personnel mines through their complete eradication.
- Advocacy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- México se compromete a continuar trabajando en los diversos foros multilaterales y regionales que abordan el tema del desarme nuclear para lograr el cumplimiento de la Promesa Humanitaria respecto a llenar el vacío legal y así lograr estigmatizar y prohibir las armas nucleares con miras a su eliminación.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- México se compromete a seguir exigiendo que todos aquellos en posesión de armas nucleares cumplan sus compromisos y obligaciones en materia de desarme nuclear y a consolidar un proceso diplomático para prohibir las armas nucleares.
- Advocacy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and enhance respect for international humanitarian law, international human rights law, and refugee law, where applicable.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Reduce and address displacement
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
México se compromete a implementar el Plan de Acción de Brasil (2014).
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
- México se compromete a apoyar el establecimiento de la Plataforma Global para Desplazamiento por Desastres Naturales.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
- México se compromete a impulsar la aplicación de los compromisos contenidos en la Convención de 1951 sobre refugiados a través del ACNUR.
- Policy
- Leave No One Behind
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new approach to addressing forced displacement that not only meets immediate humanitarian needs but reduces vulnerability and improves the resilience, self-reliance and protection of refugees and IDPs. Commit to implementing this new approach through coherent international, regional and national efforts that recognize both the humanitarian and development challenges of displacement. Commit to take the necessary political, policy, legal and financial steps required to address these challenges for the specific context.
- Leave No One Behind
- Commit to promote and support safe, dignified and durable solutions for internally displaced persons and refugees. Commit to do so in a coherent and measurable manner through international, regional and national programs and by taking the necessary policy, legal and financial steps required for the specific contexts and in order to work towards a target of 50 percent reduction in internal displacement by 2030.
- Leave No One Behind
- Acknowledge the global public good provided by countries and communities which are hosting large numbers of refugees. Commit to providing communities with large numbers of displaced population or receiving large numbers of returnees with the necessary political, policy and financial, support to address the humanitarian and socio-economic impact. To this end, commit to strengthen multilateral financing instruments. Commit to foster host communities' self-reliance and resilience, as part of the comprehensive and integrated approach outlined in core commitment 1.
- Leave No One Behind
- Commit to collectively work towards a Global Compact on responsibility-sharing for refugees to safeguard the rights of refugees, while also effectively and predictably supporting States affected by such movements.
- Leave No One Behind
- Commit to actively work to uphold the institution of asylum and the principle of non-refoulement. Commit to support further accession to and strengthened implementation of national, regional and international laws and policy frameworks that ensure and improve the protection of refugees and IDPs, such as the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol or the AU Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala convention) or the Guiding Principles on internal displacement.
- Leave No One Behind
Address the vulnerabilities of migrants and provide more regular and lawful opportunities for migration
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- México se compromete a impulsar la atención integral a la migración internacional basada en un enfoque de Derechos Humanos.
- Advocacy
- Leave No One Behind
- México se compromete a promover una respuesta global a la movilidad humana, basada en asociaciones entre los Estados, las organizaciones internacionales, autoridades locales, el sector privado, la sociedad civil y otros actores relevantes.
- Advocacy
- Leave No One Behind
End statelessness in the next decade
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
México se compromete a implementar el Plan de Acción de Brasil (2014).
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Empower and protect women and girls
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- México se compromete a formar partenariados con grupos de mujeres a nivel nacional y local a fin de aumentar su capacidad de actuación en contextos humanitarios y asegurar que los programas humanitarios responden a las necesidades de mujeres y niñas y las incluyen en el diseño, implementación y monitoreo de los mismos.
- Partnership
- Leave No One Behind
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Empower Women and Girls as change agents and leaders, including by increasing support for local women's groups to participate meaningfully in humanitarian action.
- Leave No One Behind
- Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the Outcome documents of their review conferences for all women and adolescent girls in crisis settings.
- Leave No One Behind
- Ensure that humanitarian programming is gender responsive.
- Leave No One Behind
- Fully comply with humanitarian policies, frameworks and legally binding documents related to gender equality, women's empowerment, and women's rights.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity Leave No One Behind
Reinforce, do not replace, national and local systems
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- En relación a la reciente adopción de la lista de indicadores de ODS, México se comprometió con el indicador 1.5 del objetivo no. 1 de la AD2030, que establece el fomento de la resiliencia de personas en situación de pobreza y aquéllas que se encuentran en situaciones de vulnerabilidad y la reducción de su exposición a los fenómenos extremos relacionados con el clima y otras perturbaciones económicas, sociales y ambientales.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- México se compromete a abordar los factores estructurales como medio para fortalecer la resiliencia de las comunidades locales y superar definitivamente las condiciones que provocan crisis prolongadas y recurrentes.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- México se compromete a difundir saberes ancestrales para impulsar acciones de resiliencia en las comunidades, además de fortalecer los esquemas de prevención mediante programas como Hospital Seguro, Escuela Segura, así como Ciudades Resilientes y Municipio Resiliente.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- México se compromete a impulsar la cooperación internacional para construir o fortalecer las capacidades institucionales en materia de prevención, atención y reconstrucción con la participación de todos los actores relevantes. Asimismo, México se compromete a impulsar legislaciones y políticas públicas que incentiven la formación de poblaciones resilientes, así como a fortalecer los sistemas de educación para prevenir situaciones de crisis.
- Advocacy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to reinforce national and local leadership and capacities in managing disaster and climate-related risks through strengthened preparedness and predictable response and recovery arrangements.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to increase investment in building community resilience as a critical first line of response, with the full and effective participation of women.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to ensure regional and global humanitarian assistance for natural disasters complements national and local efforts.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to increase substantially and diversify global support and share of resources for humanitarian assistance aimed to address the differentiated needs of populations affected by humanitarian crises in fragile situations and complex emergencies, including increasing cash-based programming in situations where relevant.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
- Commit to empower national and local humanitarian action by increasing the share of financing accessible to local and national humanitarian actors and supporting the enhancement of their national delivery systems, capacities and preparedness planning.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
Anticipate, do not wait, for crises
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- México se compromete a generar enfoques de acción preventiva que coadyuven a la disminución del riesgo ante desastres por fenómenos de origen natural o humano, fortalecidos con los conocimientos de vulnerabilidad existentes en las comunidades, y a asegurar que la prevención frente a los riesgos naturales existentes y los producidos por el cambio climático o la acción del hombre formen parte de la gestión integral de riesgo.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- México se compromete a privilegiar los aspectos proactivos de la atención de emergencias y desastres causados por fenómenos naturales o humanos, anticipándose eficazmente a los escenarios de crisis y fortaleciendo la corresponsabilidad entre todos los sectores- público, privado, académico, sociedad civil. Para lograr este fin, México incluirá instrumentos innovadores para la administración de situaciones catastróficas y la prevención como una herramienta de mejora continua hacia donde debe ir evolucionando la gestión integral del riesgo.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- México se compromete a promover entre todos los integrantes del Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil la implementación del Marco de Acción de Sendai para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastre, reforzando las capacidades locales de resistencia y recuperación ante desastres con un enfoque primordialmente preventivo estableciendo estrategias con la participación de la Cruz Roja mexicana.
- Advocacy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- México se compromete a promover la implementación del Marco de Sendai y atender la dimensión de la prevención, en sus distintas etapas, así como fortalecer la gestión integral del riesgo, en particular, apoyar la continuidad de operaciones antes, durante y después de los desastres, fortaleciendo la preparación y resiliencia, en el marco de la Plataforma Global 2017.
- Advocacy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- México se compromete a unirse a esfuerzos globales para lograr el compromiso adquirido por la comunidad internacional hacia el 2020, para aumentar el número de ciudades y asentamientos humanos con políticas y planes integrados para la mitigación del cambio climático, la adaptación a él y la resiliencia frente a los desastres, en consonancia con el Marco de Sendai (párrafo 34, AAAA).
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to accelerate the reduction of disaster and climate-related risks through the coherent implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, as well as other relevant strategies and programs of action, including the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
- Commit to improve the understanding, anticipation and preparedness for disaster and climate-related risks by investing in data, analysis and early warning, and developing evidence-based decision-making processes that result in early action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Deliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- México se compromete a promover en los órganos de gobierno de las Agencias, Fondos y Programas y otros entes una mejor comunicación y coordinación entre todos los actores humanitarios y de desarrollo, con miras a promover el intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos, una mejor articulación de sus actividades en el terreno y un uso más eficiente de los recursos.
- Partnership
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Invest in local capacities
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- México se compromete a tomar en cuenta la resiliencia al clima y a los desastres en la financiación para el desarrollo, a fin de asegurar resultados sostenibles. Con medidas bien diseñadas se pueden producir beneficios múltiples a nivel local y mundial. Así, es fundamental invertir en los esfuerzos encaminados a fortalecer la capacidad de los agentes nacionales y locales para gestionar los riesgos financieros y de desastres, como parte de las estrategias nacionales de desarrollo sostenible, y a garantizar que los países puedan aprovechar la asistencia internacional cuando sea necesario (párrafo 32, AAAA).
- Financial
- Invest in Humanity
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to empower national and local humanitarian action by increasing the share of financing accessible to local and national humanitarian actors and supporting the enhancement of their national delivery systems, capacities and preparedness planning.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
Invest according to risk
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- México alienta a fortalecer la cooperación internacional para apoyar los esfuerzos en la creación de capacidades en los países frágiles, en conflicto o menos desarrollados, en particular mediante el aumento de la asistencia oficial para el desarrollo (AOD), y a concentrar los recursos en áreas prioritarias, incluida la financiación de riesgos y mecanismos para establecer acuerdos de financiación destinados a la prevención de desastres.
- Financial
- Invest in Humanity
- México se compromete a fomentar el apoyo de las instancias del Banco Mundial para promover una estrategia de seguros, reaseguros y fondos catastróficos que contribuyan a generar mayores elementos de sustento a los países para la atención de emergencias y retorno hacia el desarrollo, bajo condiciones de mayor competitividad que las existentes.
- Advocacy
- Invest in Humanity
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to accelerate the reduction of disaster and climate-related risks through the coherent implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, as well as other relevant strategies and programs of action, including the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
- Commit to invest in risk management, preparedness and crisis prevention capacity to build the resilience of vulnerable and affected people.
- Invest in Humanity
Finance outcomes, not fragmentation: shift from funding to financing
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to enable coherent financing that avoids fragmentation by supporting collective outcomes over multiple years, supporting those with demonstrated comparative advantage to deliver in context.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
- Commit to promote and increase predictable, multi-year, unearmarked, collaborative and flexible humanitarian funding toward greater efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of humanitarian action for affected people.
- Invest in Humanity
- Commit to broaden and adapt the global instruments and approaches to meet urgent needs, reduce risk and vulnerability and increase resilience, without adverse impact on humanitarian principles and overall action (as also proposed in Round Table on "Changing Lives").
- Invest in Humanity
Diversify the resource base and increase cost-efficiency
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to increase substantially and diversify global support and share of resources for humanitarian assistance aimed to address the differentiated needs of populations affected by humanitarian crises in fragile situations and complex emergencies, including increasing cash-based programming in situations where relevant.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
- Commit to promote and increase predictable, multi-year, unearmarked, collaborative and flexible humanitarian funding toward greater efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of humanitarian action for affected people.
- Invest in Humanity