Participants were invited to make individual or joint commitments to help achieve the Agenda for Humanity. In addition, they were invited to align themselves to 32 core commitments developed for the 7 High-level Leaders’ Roundtables of the World Humanitarian Summit. Each stakeholders commitments are organized by commitment type in the table below.
Ensure full access to and protection of the humanitarian and medical missions
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and enhance efforts to respect and protect medical personnel, transports and facilities, as well as humanitarian relief personnel and assets against attacks, threats or other violent acts.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Take concrete steps to improve compliance and accountability
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- Costa Rica commits to continue prioritizing the implementation of national legislation to eliminate all forms of sexual and gender-based violence.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Costa Rica commits to disseminate international humanitarian law through courses, seminars and media with the objective of raising awareness on the different sectors of the population on this issue and make efforts so that the basics and importance of this branch of the international law are well known.
- Advocacy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Costa Rica commits to continue promoting the adherence of member States to the Code of Conduct of the Security Council against genocide, crimes against humanity, and crimes of war, ensure its application and motivate the Secretary General to turn to the Security Council in order to warn about any possible emergency or the potential development of situations of crimes against humanity.
- Advocacy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Costa Rica commits to continue pushing the approval of a draft bill that establishes a stable cooperation mechanism with the International Criminal Court.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Costa Rica commits to restrain from voting for any candidate to the Security Council that has not subscribed the Code of Conduct or that, once in the Security Council does not implement it, according to the acquired commitment.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Costa Rica commits to work towards and to make efforts to include the norms of international humanitarian law in the new project of criminal code that will be considered in the near future in the Legislative Assembly.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and enhance respect for international humanitarian law, international human rights law, and refugee law, where applicable.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Uphold the rules: a global campaign to affirm the norms that safeguard humanity
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- Costa Rica commits to continue promoting the universalization of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. It will continue pushing forward the compliance and adherence to the Convention and to reinforce the norms being established by it.
- Advocacy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Costa Rica reiterates its national commitment to work in the effective implementation and universalization of the Arms Trade Treaty, as well as its responsibility to establish structures, systems and procedures necessary to apply it to its national reality. In this sense, it will continue developing the formalization and establishment of a national authority on this topic.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Costa Rica will uphold its commitment to foster the humanitarian standards set by the Convention on Cluster Munitions and to work for a world without cluster munitions and will condemn its use by any actor.
- Policy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and enhance respect for international humanitarian law, international human rights law, and refugee law, where applicable.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Empower and protect women and girls
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- Costa Rica commits to incorporate a gender perspective into projects and programs designed by the State in case of crises. This is ensured through consultation processes with the National Institute on Women Issues.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
- The Costa Rican National Institute on Women Issues will commit resources (human and material) for the awareness and capacity building of primary attention teams that operate in the country on aspects related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. A module with methodology on pedagogic mediation addressed to women, has been designed. Professional personnel have been trained with the objective that, within the process of capacity building addressed to women.
- Financial
- Leave No One Behind
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the Outcome documents of their review conferences for all women and adolescent girls in crisis settings.
- Leave No One Behind
- Ensure that humanitarian programming is gender responsive.
- Leave No One Behind
Reinforce, do not replace, national and local systems
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to reinforce national and local leadership and capacities in managing disaster and climate-related risks through strengthened preparedness and predictable response and recovery arrangements.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to increase investment in building community resilience as a critical first line of response, with the full and effective participation of women.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Anticipate, do not wait, for crises
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- The Procedural Manual of Costa Rica for the delivery, transit and reception of International Humanitarian and Technical Assistance in situations of disasters/emergencies will be published. This new manual will be an update of the last Procedural Manual of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Coordination of Humanitarian and Technical Assistance in cases of disaster of 2011.
- Policy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Costa Rica has recently launched the National Policy on Risk Management 2016-2030, aligned with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, which execution was recently started by the Emergency National Committee. Moreover, the Strategy and Plan of Action for the adaptation of Costa Rica's biodiversity sector to climate change (2015-2025), was also approved. Furthermore, the National Plan on Adaptation is being elaborated, in accordance with the commitments made in the nationally determined commitments presented to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Policy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Costa Rica will continue increasing its investment in information on climate. The National Meteorology Institute, in collaboration with the Emergency National Committee, with its own resources, has been improving the hydro-meteorological network and an early warning system. Moreover, also with public funding, various governmental entities, among of them, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy have been developing an inventory on losses associated with extreme climatic events. Additionally, the National Meteorology Institute is executing a project on this topic with Spanish cooperation and other resources.
- Financial
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to accelerate the reduction of disaster and climate-related risks through the coherent implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, as well as other relevant strategies and programs of action, including the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
- Commit to improve the understanding, anticipation and preparedness for disaster and climate-related risks by investing in data, analysis and early warning, and developing evidence-based decision-making processes that result in early action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Invest according to risk
Core Commitment
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to accelerate the reduction of disaster and climate-related risks through the coherent implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, as well as other relevant strategies and programs of action, including the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity