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The Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformation (PACT) is a dynamic advocacy tool and central hub for all stakeholders to advance the Agenda for Humanity. The PACT reflects commitments received in writing. Those stakeholders that want to register their commitments should click on the blue button below to complete the online form. If you do not intend to register commitments, please do not complete this registration form. If you have any questions, please send an email to
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Self Report for Initiatives in 2018
The updates on initiatives shown below allow members or signatories to WHS initiatives to report on actions taken in support of the respective initiative. They are not intended to replace reporting processes undertaken by initiative secretariats.
The Inclusion Charter
What concrete actions have you taken in support of the initiative.
In 2017 Johanniter mainstreamed inclusion in humanitarian projects, developed disability inclusion guidelines and a logframe with specific indicators and allocated budgets for inclusion mainstreaming. Johanniter trained headquarters staff in disability inclusion; cooperated with disability NGOs, disabled peoples organisations (DPOs) and self-help groups (in Zimbabwe and Lebanon); constructed inclusive boreholes in the El Nino emergency water and sanitation project in Zimbabwe; provided mine victim assistance in Myanmar; prosthetics and orthotics (P&O) services in Djibouti; wheelchairs and inclusion for children with disabilities in Sri Lanka; enhanced the social and economic participation of youth with disabilities in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon; provided emergency food/cash assistance, food and nutrition security of highly vulnerable households (e.g. persons with disabilities, HIV-infected persons, pregnant/nursing mothers, children <5) for drought affected in Zimbabwe and Kenya; integrated street children in the Drought Emergency School Feeding program in Kenya; provided emergency food assistance for children and mothers with disabilities in Deim Zubeir, South Sudan; included children with disabilities in outpatient therapeutic and therapeutic supplementary feeding programs and stabilization centres; included mothers with disability in health education through traditional birth attendants in South Sudan; improved access of people with disability (PWD) to health in Masisi/Kivu, DRC through a survey; included PWD as community health workers (CHW) and income generation activities; trained nurses and CHWs on inclusion; established networks of PWD in each health area; improved physical access for PWD (ramps) in every building. Within VENRO, Johanniter lobbied for disabled people and participated in an advisory panel for the new inclusion strategy of the German Federal Development Ministry.
For additional information, please see Johanniter's reporting under Transformation 3G.