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The Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformation (PACT) is a dynamic advocacy tool and central hub for all stakeholders to advance the Agenda for Humanity. The PACT reflects commitments received in writing. Those stakeholders that want to register their commitments should click on the blue button below to complete the online form. If you do not intend to register commitments, please do not complete this registration form. If you have any questions, please send an email to
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Self Report for Initiatives in 2018
The updates on initiatives shown below allow members or signatories to WHS initiatives to report on actions taken in support of the respective initiative. They are not intended to replace reporting processes undertaken by initiative secretariats.
The Connecting Business Initiative
What concrete actions have you taken in support of the initiative.
- The HPPP member Ushahidi and co-secretariats (UNOCHA & World Vision International) participated and presented at CBi's first global annual meeting in February 2017 in Geneva and provided input into UNOCHA/UNDP/UNISDR’s CBI’s Network Foundation Guide & Assessment Tool.
- The HPPP promoted ethical, principled humanitarian business action based on facilitating better mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities, e.g. through a joint advocacy event during World Humanitarian Day #NotATarget – with MasterCard, Equity Bank, DanOffice IT, WFP, UNHCR, UNOCHA, UNICEF.
- The HPPP promoted CBi within humanitarian fora, civil society networks and enabled business connections. It carried out presentations at the Humanitarian Partnerships & Networking Week (UNOCHA) and AIDF conference on aid effectiveness & the private sector. It referenced HPPP/CBi at panel discussions at UNHCR Annual Partners’ Consultation and private sector engagement in OCHA's study launch entitled “Breaking the Impasse” in Nairobi. Also HPPP worked with GSMA; Business Fights Poverty Blog; and linked with other CBi networks, NGOs and businesses in South Asia, the Pacific, Mexico, Turkey, Haiti, Philippines, and Myanmar.