Deliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides
Joint Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Commit to taking concrete steps to ensure that humanitarian action is based on high quality evidence. We will do this by investing in research and the collection, synthesis and analysis of data, by improving the quality and accessibility of this evidence, and by adopting better practices and systems to use and value evidence. We commit to developing this more evidence-based humanitarian sector through collaborations that are multi-national, multi-organisational and multi-sectoral.
- Policy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
What led your organization to make the commitment?
The Evidence Lounge initiative for the World Humanitarian Summit, led by Evidence Aid, aims to inspire and enable the humanitarian sector to apply an evidence-based approach, when and where appropriate. The initiative seeks to strengthen the humanitarian sector’s evidence base, improve the sharing and dissemination of the evidence available and promote the use of evidence, all through collaborations that preferably include the crisis affected populations.
Achievements at a glance
The partners of the WHS Evidence Lounge met afterwards and agreed that the Evidence Lounge was successful and that it should continue as a community of practice (CoP) to bring together actors to exchange views and information related to the generation, use and dissemination of evidence in the humanitarian sector to contribute to a more evidence-based approach to humanitarian action and decisions when and where appropriate. The CoP aims to minimise overlap and wastage of resources and increase the impact of the individual initiatives. By the end of 2016, Evidence Aid in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, identified possible funding for an 2017 Evidence Lounge Event in Geneva, to bring together the practitioner and research community and forge new collaborations to jointly develop a practical guide on how to use evidence in the humanitarian sector, and launch the online CoP.
How is your organization assessing progress
Progress will be assessed by; numbers of participants at the Evidence Lounge in Geneva / active users of the CoP by 2018 / Successful publication of the practical guide on how to use evidence in the humanitarian sector / Uptake of practical guide
Challenges faced in implementation
From the start ALNAP has been actively supporting the development of the CoP with practical advice, while the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) continues to be closely involved and plays a key role in the development of proposals. The main challenge is to find the resources to implement the proposals. The CoP will demand dedicated human resources and financial support beyond what Evidence Aid can currently provide. By the end of 2016, the LSHTM identified the first external opportunity for financial support that will be further explored in 2017.
Next step to advance implementation in 2017
In 2017, Evidence Aid in collaboration with some of the key partners of the WHS Evidence Lounge, especially the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and ALNAP, will aim to start the online CoP and organise the first Evidence Lounge event. By the end of 2017, the progress on the practical guide on how to use evidence in the humanitarian sector, will hopefully allow for publication in 2018.
If you had one message for the annual report on what is most needed to advance the transformation 'Deliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides', what would it be
To advance the transformation as envisioned in the Agenda for Humanity, the humanitarian sector needs to know what works and what doesn’t, and why. Therefore, it’s crucial that decision makers are equipped with high quality, unbiased information; in other words robust evidence.
Cross cutting issues
☑Accountability to affected people ☑ Innovation