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Self Report 2017

The self-report on WHS Commitments below is organized according to the 24 transformations of the Agenda for Humanity. It is based on commitments pledged at the time of report submission. Click on the 'Expand' symbol to expand each section and read the reporting inputs by transformation.

Remain engaged and invest in stability

  • What led your organization to make the commitment?

    Conflict has been the underlying cause of most major global humanitarian crises in recent years. We must invest and prevent/ end the suffering caused by conflict. Humanitarian response is dictated by the causes of the crises and all-too-often this now leads to protracted crises, donor fatigue and prolonged suffering. As a global INGO with a broad mission and mandate, it's vital Human Appeal uses influence and linkages with our constituencies, civil society, government leaders and other stakeholders to promote stability and long-term community reconciliation, strengthen social cohesion and address grievance through appropriate programmes and activities.

  • Achievements at a glance

    Most of Human Appeal's work is in conflict-affected countries. We provide a combination of humanitarian, resilience, recovery and development programming with a focus on working with and through the local communities most directly impacted by the crises. We actively participate in local, regional, national and global conferences and events which seek to address the causes of conflict with a wide-range of key stakeholders and believe faith can play a positive role in peace building.

    Increasingly, we use social media to highlight for our constituencies the causes of suffering instead of merely appealing to them to financially contribute to addressing the resulting symptoms. We engage with relevant government actors and key global leaders while also developing, promoting and sharing key campaigning/ advocacy messages.

  • How is your organization assessing progress

    Human Appeal conducts its standard monitoring, evaluation and learning of its field programming through quantitative and qualitative tools, impact stories, outcome mapping, etc. Its envisioned these will feed into future country, regional, sector and organisational planning, strategies and staff development. Active campaigning and advocacy is relatively new to the organisation and while activities and engagements can be counted, the longer-term impacts are harder to assess at this stage.

  • Challenges faced in implementation

    Access to highly insecure areas and dealing with large numbers of state and non-state actors impacts on all levels of programmatic design, implementation, results, follow-up, cost of delivery, etc. Staff can be hard to source and once trained-up/ experienced, they oftentimes get taken by better paying organisations. Donor funding is still largely not only quite restricted and compartmentalized but also is normally for too short of time periods for implementation in such fragile settings and frankly is oftentimes politically-oriented in nature. Meaningful campaigning/ advocacy may leads to direct confrontations with state and non-state actors as well as governmental donors.

  • Next step to advance implementation in 2017

    Strategies and plans will be revisited to make sure they are still relevant with regards to our approaches to simultaneously implement humanitarian and development programming in several of the settings given the current realities. Capacity building on conflict sensitivity, transformation and peace building will be emphasized and broader funding for conflict prevention will be sought.

    We may look to build further and more proactive campaigning/ advocacy capacity. With this, we may amplify our voice and better influence decision-makers through our involvement with a range of local, regional, national and global networks of both like-minded and quite differing organisations.

  • If you had one message for the annual report on what is most needed to advance the transformation 'Remain engaged and invest in stability', what would it be

    Humanitarian response isn't the solution to most of today's crises which clearly require political solutions. The UN and other large actors need to step-up and play their role in leading the way to find these solutions.

  • Cross cutting issues

    Accountability to affected people People-centred approach Religious engagement

  • Specific initiatives

    Commitment to Action: Transcending the humanitarian - development divide The Peace Promise

  • Other related Agenda for Humanity transformations

    1D - Develop solutions with and for people 4A - Reinforce, do not replace, national and local systems 4C - Deliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides