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Self Report 2017

The self-report on WHS Commitments below is organized according to the 24 transformations of the Agenda for Humanity. It is based on commitments pledged at the time of report submission. Click on the 'Expand' symbol to expand each section and read the reporting inputs by transformation.

Speak out on violations

Core Commitment

  • What led your organization to make the commitment?

    Action Against Hunger is convinced that concrete measures need to be taken to protect humanitarian personnel and activities during the conduct of hostilities and other situations of violence. Action Against Hunger aims to participate in discussions at the highest level on new measures to be agreed that will promote greater respect for IHL, humanitarian principles and humanitarian action. Our message at the WHS was that the most effective and realistic way to address humanitarian insecurity was to create a Special Procedure.

  • Achievements at a glance

    While many humanitarian organizations experience a lack of protection and have taken a variety of steps to adapt, there remains a need for more effective dialogue and mobilization across organizations around these shared challenges. In view of this situation, ATHA - as part of its work done to build operational capacity, facilitate learning across organizations in the humanitarian sector, and to mobilize change through communities of practice - and Action Against Hunger - as part of its broader campaign for the protection of aid worker - have partnered to bring together practitioners to address the issue of the lack of protection of aid workers. The creation of a working group composed of key humanitarian practitioners and experts offers the opportunity to foster such dialogue and to develop concrete measures to address these key challenges relating to the protection of the humanitarian mission and the promotion of humanitarian principles.

  • How is your organization assessing progress

    We are assessing progress through the numbers of members of the group and participants to the first workshop (around 20 organisations, including NGOs, UN, ICRC, UE, and universities) the creation of an online platform, public speaking about the issue and the contributions to the group.

  • Challenges faced in implementation

    Sensitivity of the issue of protection of the humanitarian mission can prevent some organisations from speaking out. Lack of support at State level for core responsibility 2 in general also made it more difficult for NGOs to gather wide support for the issue.

  • Next step to advance implementation in 2017

    The working group will gather again to propose concrete actions to be implemented at key opportunities in 2017.

  • If you had one message for the annual report on what is most needed to advance the transformation 'Speak out on violations', what would it be

    State accountability and support for the promotion of humanitarian principles and IHL and for enhanced protection of the humanitarian mission is needed to advance this transformation.

  • Cross cutting issues

    Humanitarian principles

  • Other related Agenda for Humanity transformations

    2B - Ensure full access to and protection of the humanitarian and medical missions 2E - Uphold the rules: a global campaign to affirm the norms that safeguard humanity

Anticipate, do not wait, for crises

Individual Commitment

Core Commitment

  • What led your organization to make the commitment?

    Within Action Against Hunger, our International Strategic Plan (ISP) was developed to suit the commitments made at the WHS. Through initiatives across our organisation we are actively leveraging investments towards the achievement of SDGs, by approaching issues like hunger and malnutrition in a systemic fashion. With long-term goals in our ISP we are implementing strategies and long-term thinking throughout the organisation in order to ensure that we become a game-changer in the humanitarian sector in that our long-term approach to systemic problems effectively contributes to the achievement of the SDGs globally.

  • Achievements at a glance

    In the last year, we have designed and tested a new approach to strategic planning and developed a toolkit which we have tested in 4 country offices. At the global level, we have trained 22 decision makers in Action Against Hunger in strategic long-term planning and we continue to provide support to these directors in order to ensure a culture change throughout the organisation. Across operational programmes, 12 countries have emergency response plans and 9 more are in development. Across Action Against Hunger 60% of all programs have Disaster Risk Management (DRM) components. All of these efforts in the last year contribute to the organisation-wide commitment to greater anticipation in our work.

  • How is your organization assessing progress

    The Interagency Regional Analysts Network (IARAN) (on strategic foresight and planning) tracks progress annually and uses surveys to gauge feedback from users. The Network is part of a research project where learning is a critical component, and we use monitoring and evaluation to improve our activities year on year. At an organisational level, Action Against Hunger produces an Annual Progress Review tracking all activities and operations across the 50+ countries we operate in.

  • Challenges faced in implementation

    When working on foresight and strategic planning, we struggle with the short-term perspective of humanitarian work, as it is traditionally conceived. We also face struggles with regard to lack of funding to test innovation and more related to this, the lack of multi-year funding for strategic projects.

  • Next step to advance implementation in 2017

    We are currently in the final year of the IARAN pilot and we are currently scaling up the DRM approach across Action Against Hunger.

  • If you had one message for the annual report on what is most needed to advance the transformation 'Anticipate, do not wait, for crises', what would it be

    Organisations need to think strategically in order to align short-term programs to long-term goals such as the SDGs and the commitments made at the WHS.

  • Cross cutting issues

    Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Specific initiatives

    Commitment to Action: Transcending the humanitarian - development divide Risk and Vulnerability Data Platform The Global Alliance for Humanitarian Innovation Grand Bargain

  • Other related Agenda for Humanity transformations

    4C - Deliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides 5D - Finance outcomes, not fragmentation: shift from funding to financing