Reinforce, do not replace, national and local systems
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- Muslim Hands commits to adopt the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and International Aid Transparency Initiative Standard, with clear benchmarks for achieving these through the CHS Alliance self-assessment tool.
- Policy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
What led your organization to make the commitment?
As a humanitarian aid agency we strongly believe that our actions to support vulnerable people should be in line with international standards. Before the introduction of CHS, Muslim Hands always used and refereed to Sphere standards for guidance purpose. The assessment of quality and accountability element of Muslim Hands operations were not very structured hence we wanted to adopt the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability.
Achievements at a glance
We have already started reviewing our current systems, policies and procedures. The review process will take a few more weeks before we start working on agreed proposed actions.
How is your organization assessing progress
We have introduced new tools to monitor activities at the field level. We are also investing in a management information system to capture maximum data for better analysis and for future programming purposes.
Challenges faced in implementation
As Muslim Hands has grown in an organic way, the acceptance of following new procedure and policies sometime become challenging among the field staff. We are encouraging our field team and colleagues at headquarters to develop a further understanding about CHS from current available resources and also by taking part in trainings /workshops.
Next step to advance implementation in 2017
We are planning to arrange the self assessment process of Muslim Hands against CHS this year and hopefully by next year we will be ready to get external verification.
If you had one message for the annual report on what is most needed to advance the transformation 'Reinforce, do not replace, national and local systems', what would it be
My only message will be to learn from local existing practices which are working well to ensure effectiveness and accountability. Also, engaging local people at the decision-making level should be given real importance.
Cross cutting issues
☑Accountability to affected people ☑ Humanitarian principles
Other related Agenda for Humanity transformations
☑1D - Develop solutions with and for people ☑ 5A - Invest in local capacities
Diversify the resource base and increase cost-efficiency
Individual Commitment
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- Muslim Hands commits to adopt the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and International Aid Transparency Initiative Standard, with clear benchmarks for achieving these through the CHS Alliance self-assessment tool.
- Policy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
What led your organization to make the commitment?
As a humanitarian aid agency we strongly believe that our actions to support vulnerable people should be in line with international standards. Before the introduction of CHS, Muslim Hands always used and referred to Sphere standards for guidance purpose. The assessment of quality and accountability element of Muslim Hands' operations was not very structured hence we wanted to adopt the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability.
Achievements at a glance
We have already started reviewing our current systems, policies and procedures. The review process will take a few more weeks before we start working on agreed proposed actions.
How is your organization assessing progress
We have introduced new tools to monitor activities at the field level. We are also investing in a management information system to capture maximum data for better analysis and for future programming purposes.
Challenges faced in implementation
As Muslim Hands has grown in an organic way, the acceptance of following new procedure and policies sometime become challenging among field staff. We are encouraging our field team and colleagues at headquarters to develop further understanding about CHS from current available resources and also by taking part in trainings /workshops.
Next step to advance implementation in 2017
We are planning to arrange the self assessment process of Muslim Hands against CHS this year and hopefully by next year we will be ready to get external verification.
If you had one message for the annual report on what is most needed to advance the transformation 'Diversify the resource base and increase cost-efficiency', what would it be
My only message will be to learn from local existing practices which are working well to ensure effectiveness and accountability. Also, engaging local people at decision making level should be given real importance.
Cross cutting issues
☑Accountability to affected people ☑ Humanitarian principles
Other related Agenda for Humanity transformations
☑4A - Reinforce, do not replace, national and local systems