Remain engaged and invest in stability
What led your organization to make the commitment?
The Peace Promise aligns strongly with CDA Collaborative Learning Projects' long-term focus on supporting conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding integration where appropriate, among humanitarian actors. Three of our four primary practice areas relate directly to this commitment, namely Conflict Sensitivity, Peacebuilding Effectiveness, and Accountability & Feedback Loops.
Achievements at a glance
Relevant recent practitioner resource publications include:
- Nicole Goddard and Dilshan Annaraj. Conflict Sensitivity Meta-Trends Analysis. CDA and World Vision International, 2017. https://cdacollaborative.org/publication/conflict-sensitivity-meta-trends-analysis/
- CDA. Designing Strategic Initiatives to Impact Conflict Systems: Systems Approaches to Peacebuilding: A Resource Manual. 2016. https://cdacollaborative.org/publication/designing-strategic-initiatives-impact-conflict-systems-systems-approaches-peacebuilding/
- CDA. Do No Harm Workshop: Trainer’s Manual. 2016. https://cdacollaborative.org/publication/no-harm-workshop-trainers-manual-2016/
- CDA. Do No Harm Workshop: Participant’s Manual. 2016. https://cdacollaborative.org/publication/no-harm-workshop-participants-manual-2016/
- ARK Group DMCC. The Syrian conflict: A systems conflict analysis. ARK, 2016. (CDA facilitated multi-stakeholder Syria systems analysis and produced first draft of report). https://cdacollaborative.org/publication/the-syrian-conflict-a-systems-conflict-analysis/
How is your organization assessing progress
Among other measures, we track partner requests for engagement/action, partner surveys, and publication references and citations. This provides not only feedback on our own performance, but also a relevant 'read' on how priorities and needs are evolving among humanitarian and development partners.
Challenges faced in implementation
Conflict sensitivity continues to struggle for 'space' and consistent uptake on the humanitarian agenda, which is what makes shared commitments like the Peace Promise particularly important and valuable.
Next step to advance implementation in 2017
Among other goals, we are publishing (with the Peacebuilding Evaluation Coalition) new guidance on conflict-sentive monitoring and evaluation, and pursuing a new collaborative learning project on the monitoring and evaluation of conflict sensitivity. Both projects include a significant emphasis on humanitarian action.
If you had one message for the annual report on what is most needed to advance the transformation 'Remain engaged and invest in stability', what would it be
Collectively, there is need to be more proactive in identifying, mitigating and/or preventing the drivers of violent conflict, and in aligning our organizational accountability and incentive structures to the specific Peace Promise commitments that will move us toward that goal.
Cross cutting issues
☑Accountability to affected people
Specific initiatives
☑The Peace Promise
Other related Agenda for Humanity transformations
☑4A - Reinforce, do not replace, national and local systems