2DTake concrete steps to improve compliance and accountability
Core Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Fully comply with humanitarian policies, frameworks and legally binding documents related to gender equality, women's empowerment, and women's rights.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity Leave No One Behind
1. A. Highlight concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2018 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures as well as any good practices and examples of innovation.
IHL and IHRL compliance and accountability
Fully comply with humanitarian policies, frameworks, and legally binding documents related to gender equality, women's empowerment, and women's rights.
2. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Multi-stakeholder coordination
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Challenges have not impeded partners from achieving our agreed goals.
Gender, Humanitarian principles, IHL compliance and accountability
3AReduce and address displacement
Joint Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
In support of the UN Secretary General's Every Woman Every Child initiative, the UN Foundation's Nothing But Nets campaign and Sumitomo Chemical are delivering on a joint commitment to provide 1 million of Sumitomo Chemical's Olyset Nets to refugees and IDPs by the end of 2016. The nets were distributed by UN agencies operating in emergency and conflict settings.
In 2017, Sumitomo Chemical has committed to building upon the matching grant challenge for another year, enabling Nothing But Nets to double the amount of nets raised by supporters by the end of 2017, by 350,000 nets, for a total of 700,000 nets (US $1,225,000 in value). In addition, to help raise awareness and build empathy for refugees, Sumitomo Chemical will provide support for the Nothing But Nets’ award-winning virtual reality film, “Under the Net”.
- Financial Contribution (US $1,225,000)
- Leave No One Behind
Partners: UN Foundation's Nothing but Nets campaign
Core Commitments (3)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new approach to addressing forced displacement that not only meets immediate humanitarian needs but reduces vulnerability and improves the resilience, self-reliance and protection of refugees and IDPs. Commit to implementing this new approach through coherent international, regional and national efforts that recognize both the humanitarian and development challenges of displacement. Commit to take the necessary political, policy, legal and financial steps required to address these challenges for the specific context.
- Leave No One Behind
- Commit to promote and support safe, dignified and durable solutions for internally displaced persons and refugees. Commit to do so in a coherent and measurable manner through international, regional and national programs and by taking the necessary policy, legal and financial steps required for the specific contexts and in order to work towards a target of 50 percent reduction in internal displacement by 2030.
- Leave No One Behind
- Commit to collectively work towards a Global Compact on responsibility-sharing for refugees to safeguard the rights of refugees, while also effectively and predictably supporting States affected by such movements.
- Leave No One Behind
1. A. Highlight concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2018 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures as well as any good practices and examples of innovation.
In 2018, Sumitomo Chemical continued the matching grant challenge with Nothing But Nets supporters to double the number of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) provided by the end of 2018. This commitment provided nearly 640,000 LLINs to protect nearly 1.3 million people. This figure includes almost 86,000 LLINs for UNHCR to protect refugees across sub-Saharan Africa to ensure that no one is left behind in the fight against malaria.
IDPs (due to conflict, violence, and disaster)
Of the approximately 640,000 LLINs provided, nearly 190,000 of the LLINs will be distributed in Borno state, Nigeria. The Displacement Tracking Matrix report from June 2018 indicates that more than 1.9 million people remain displaced in Nigeria, mainly in Borno state, and children under age five represent 27% of this population.
2. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Funding amounts
- Joined-up humanitarian-development analysis, planning, funding and/or response
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Funding - Limited funding necessitates choosing between at-risk groups. Field Conditions - The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and on-going conflict in Nigeria have made distribution of nets challenging. Joined Up - Refugees are not currently included as part of national malaria control plans.
3. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
Increased funding for malaria control initiatives and the inclusion of refugees in national malaria control plans to ensure that no one is left behind.
3DEmpower and protect women and girls
Joint Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Sumitomo Chemical commits in 2018 to provide approximately USD 1,100,000 through Every Woman Every Child and the UN Foundation's Nothing But Nets campaign for 640,000 nets for approximately 1.2 million people. These nets will help ensure that conflict affected women and children in some of the most malaria endemic regions of the world are protected and given a chance at leading healthy lives.
- Financial Contribution (~ $1,100,000)
- Leave No One Behind
Partners: UN Foundation - Nothing But Nets Campaign
Core Commitments (4)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Empower Women and Girls as change agents and leaders, including by increasing support for local women's groups to participate meaningfully in humanitarian action.
- Leave No One Behind
- Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the Outcome documents of their review conferences for all women and adolescent girls in crisis settings.
- Leave No One Behind
- Ensure that humanitarian programming is gender responsive.
- Leave No One Behind
- Fully comply with humanitarian policies, frameworks and legally binding documents related to gender equality, women's empowerment, and women's rights.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity Leave No One Behind
1. A. Highlight concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2018 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures as well as any good practices and examples of innovation.
Pregnant women and young children are at the greatest risk of malaria. The long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) provided to Nothing But Nets prioritizes pregnant women and young children in the distribution process to help reduce the incidence of malaria on the most vulnerable populations. As an example, the LLINs provided to Nigeria have been distributed in conjunction with other health initiatives (e.g., immunizations and vaccinations) to support maternal and child health. By distributing the nets as part of wider integrated health campaigns, communities are more receptive to receiving and using the LLINs.
2. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Security is a frequent concern at refugee camps and settlements due to violence connected with on-going conflicts.
3. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
Increase security for IDP and refugee camps to ensure the most vulnerable women and children can access critical malaria interventions.
Displacement, Gender
4BAnticipate, do not wait, for crises
Core Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
1. A. Highlight concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2018 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures as well as any good practices and examples of innovation.
In 2018, in partnership with Nothing But Nets, Sumitomo Chemical provided nearly 86,000 long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) for the UNHCR LLIN stockpile and more than 26,000 nets for the PAHO LLIN stockpile. These nets are staged in Kenya and Panama, respectively, and are ready for quick deployment in the event of a crisis in either sub-Saharan Africa or Latin America and the Caribbean.
2. B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
No specific challenges to ensure that the nets are staged and available in the event of a crisis.
4CDeliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides
Core Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
1. A. Highlight concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2018 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures as well as any good practices and examples of innovation.
Joined-up humanitarian-development analysis and planning towards collective outcomes
In the third year of the partnership, Sumitomo Chemical's commitment to providing long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) to at-risk populations through UNICEF and UNHCR in partnership with Nothing But Nets benefited from improved processes learned in the first two years of the collaboration.
2. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Joined-up humanitarian-development analysis, planning, funding and/or response
- Multi-stakeholder coordination
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Communication and hand off from disaster response to long-term resource allocation is a consistent challenge.
3. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
Plan for inter-agency collaboration in all phases of disaster response from immediate aftermath through self-sufficiency to reduce the risk of on-going dependence on outside aide.
Humanitarian-development nexus