1DDevelop solutions with and for people
Individual Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- UNIDO commits to address root causes of conflicts and social and economic instability by promoting policy and practical solutions and investing in the human potential of vulnerable and marginalized people by upgrading their skills and transfer of knowledge and technologies, thereby creating stable employment and income opportunities. In this perspective, UNIDO promotes the development of local small and medium enterprises and businesses in an environmentally sustainable manner, improves productive infrastructure, and establish sustainable and inclusive partnerships with the private sector as resilient and effective engine of development.
- Operational
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
In 2017, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) implemented various projects aimed at addressing the root causes of conflicts and promoting social and economic stability, i.e.:
- Creating sustainable livelihoods for host communities of Syrian refugees in Northern Lebanon through improving job opportunities in the furniture sector.
- Improving food security and creating jobs for Syrian refugees and members of host communities in northern Jordan and for Syrian refugees, Iraqi IDPs and host communities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
- Vocational training on apparel manufacturing for Syrian refugees in Turkey.
- Addressing irregular migration in Northern and Central Ethiopia by upgrading the skills of Eritrean refugees and preparing them for future job opportunities.
- Community stabilization for returnees, internally displaced persons, and host communities in Dhobley and Afmadow, southern Somalia.
- Increasing resilience and self-help capacities for reconstruction of livelihoods and sustained nutritional food security in South Sudan.
- Promoting social stabilization through vocational training and job creation for vulnerable people and communities in post-Ebola Liberia.
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Through assessing indicators included in logical frameworks of projects using monitoring and evaluation tools, carrying out field visits and conducting post-project impact studies.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Adherence to standards and/or humanitarian principles
- Data and analysis
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Host countries’ policies towards refugees sometimes do not allow providing necessary assistance to people most in need. In addition, it is difficult to ensure sustainable impacts due to short-term funding modalities from donors. Lack of (reliable) data is also impeding projects from having their full impact.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
In 2018, UNIDO will continue to implement projects aiming to address root causes of conflict and social and economic instability. Projects focusing on the upgrading of skills and transfer of knowledge to marginalized and vulnerable people will be implemented in countries such as Lebanon, Iraq, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Côte d’Ivoire and Egypt. Opportunities for upscaling and replication of project activities and results will continue to be identified.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
A participatory approach to project development and implementation, entailing the inclusion and involvement of a broad spectrum of stakeholders, is pivotal to the success and sustainability of projects helping achieve this transformation. More joint programming, data collection and sharing and more mobilization of programmatic funding on a global level is needed.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
- In Lebanon, a project focusing on upgrading SMEs in host communities of Syrian refugees was able to expedite project implementation through cross-municipal collaboration.
- In Iraq, UNIDO was able to leverage non-government resources by involving private sector to create a Public Private Partnership Development Program benefitting displaced persons and returnees.
Community resilience, Displacement, Local action
3AReduce and address displacement
Individual Commitments (3)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- UNIDO commits to continue its support in identifying and providing dignified and durable solutions for refugees and IDPs through restoring economic activity for affected populations, revitalizing micro- and small-scale enterprises, rehabilitating damaged agricultural or industrial infrastructure, and creation of employment thereby promoting recovery, reconstruction and stability.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
- UNIDO commits to continue its support to host countries and communities that are affected by the inflow of refugees and IDPs by creating employment opportunities for local populations, developing local micro- and small-scale enterprises, enabling access to financial schemes and strengthening industries thereby mitigating the stress and promoting social cohesion and stabilization.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
- UNIDO commits to participate in developing a new approach to addressing forced displacement by adding its value as the UN agency mandated to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development to facilitate a transition from aid-dependence to fostering resilience and self-reliance of refugees and IDPs. UNIDO is, therefore, committed to continue promoting and supporting this transition through transfer of skills, knowledge and technologies, allowing refugees and IDPs to find jobs, start their business, secure income, sustain themselves and their families, and helping them regain human dignity.
- Policy
- Leave No One Behind
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
In 2017, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) remained committed to restoring the economic activity and fostering resilience and self-reliance of both refugees and host communities and countries, i.e. through these interventions:
- In Iraq and Jordan, projects promoting sustainable livelihoods for Syrian refugees were implemented. Refugees and members of host communities were equipped with agri-business and entrepreneurship skills to ensure income opportunities, food security and social cohesion. Similarly, UNIDO implemented a project in Lebanon, engaging members of host communities and Syrian refugees in productive and creative activities, thereby enhancing their livelihoods and reviving the local economy. In Turkey, UNIDO provided vocational training on apparel manufacturing to Syrian refugees.
- Through a project addressing irregular migration in Northern and Central Ethiopia, UNIDO analyzed value chains and clusters with high potentials in job creation as well as training institutions in a view to upgrade the skills of Eritrean refugees and to prepare them for future job opportunities.
IDPs (due to conflict, violence, and disaster)
In 2017, UNIDO remained committed to restoring the economic activity and fostering resilience and self-reliance of internally displaced persons (IDPs) as well as host communities and countries.
In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, UNIDO implemented two projects fostering sustainable livelihoods of IDPs alongside Syrian refugees and their host communities. The project beneficiaries were equipped with agri-business as well as entrepreneurship skills in a view to create employment and ensure food security among the vulnerable groups.
In Somalia, UNIDO’s intervention focused on strengthening the capacity of IDPs through technical and vocational skills training, providing assets, improving components of value chains, revitalizing infrastructure and improving capacity of training institutions.
UNIDO was engaged in and reported to the UN system on platforms like the Global Compact for Migration and the Global Migration Group.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- By reporting to, or using reports prepared for, UN principal organs, UN governing boards, or other international bodies
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Through assessing indicators included in logical frameworks of projects using monitoring and evaluation tools, carrying out field visits and conducting post-project impact studies.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Funding amounts
- Strengthening national/local systems
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
The challenges undermined the achievement of the transformation because:
- Host countries’ policies towards refugees (i.e. no work permits for refugees, no government approvals for programmes/projects).
- Very difficult to ensure sustainability and create long-term impacts due to short-term funding modalities from donors.
- Field insecurity delayed work processes.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
Some of the aforementioned projects continue in 2018, with monitoring and evaluation processes providing feedback on how to improve interventions to facilitate achievement of the transformation. In addition, follow-up and new projects are planned, i.e. a project on youth employability of Syrian refugees, Iraqi IDPs and members of host communities in Iraq.
UNIDO will also remain engaged on platforms like the Global Compact on Refugees, the Global Compact for Migration and the Global Migration Group.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
Mobilizing more programmatic funding on a global scale that is tailored to the needs of the forcibly displaced. More coordination with stakeholders at every level is also needed.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
- Collaboration with academic institutions to assess impact of UNIDO interventions.
- Cooperation with local enterprises in Somalia allowed UNIDO to train beneficiaries in market-relevant technical and vocational skills to increase income-generating opportunities.
- Participation in national and international trade fairs to promote market penetration of products resulting from trainings.
Community resilience, Displacement, Local action
3BAddress the vulnerabilities of migrants and provide more regular and lawful opportunities for migration
Individual Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- UNIDO commits, as the UN agency mandated to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development, to continue and expand its support to vulnerable migrants by improving their resilience and self-reliance. UNIDO strives to address the root cause of migration by creating stable employment opportunities and increased income in countries of origin through transfer of skills, knowledge and technologies, allowing them to find jobs, start businesses, secure income, and sustain themselves and their family.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
Supporting resilience and self-reliance have been at the heart of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization's (UNIDO) interventions focusing on vulnerable migrants in 2017. Through providing technical and vocational skills training, technology transfers, capacity building, value chain enhancement and productive infrastructure revitalization according to local market needs, vulnerable migrants’ ability to engage in income-generating activities was increased, which also helps address the cause of migration. To this end, projects were carried out in different parts of the world, including the Middle-East and Africa.
In Iraq and Jordan, projects promoting sustainable livelihoods for Syrian refugees in Iraq and Jordan were carried out. Refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and members of host communities alike were equipped with agri-business and entrepreneurship skills in a view to ensure income opportunities, food security and social cohesion among the vulnerable groups. Similarly, UNIDO implemented a project in Lebanon, engaging members of host communities and Syrian refugees in productive and creative activities, thereby enhancing their livelihoods and reviving the local economy. In Turkey, UNIDO provided vocation training in the apparel manufacturing to Syrian refugees.
Through a project addressing irregular migration in Northern and Central Ethiopia, UNIDO was involved in the analysis of value chains and clusters with high potentials in job creation as well as training institutions in a view to upgrade Eritrean refugee skills and to prepare them for future job opportunities.
UNIDO was engaged in and reported to the UN system on platforms like the Global Compact for Migration and the Global Migration Group.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- By reporting to, or using reports prepared for, UN principal organs, UN governing boards, or other international bodies
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Through assessing indicators included in logical frameworks of projects using monitoring and evaluation tools, carrying out field visits and conducting post-project impact studies.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Funding modalities (earmarking, priorities, yearly agreements, risk aversion measures)
- Strengthening national/local systems
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Undermined achievement of transformation because:
- Host countries’ policies towards refugees (i.e. no work permits for refugees).
- Very difficult to ensure sustainable impacts due to short-term funding modalities from donors.
- Difficult to measure real correlation between intervention and migration, which prevents development of more effective projects.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
Some of the aforementioned projects continue in 2018. Follow-up and new projects are planned, such as a project on youth employability of Syrian refugees, Iraqi IDPs and host communities in Iraq. In north-eastern Nigeria, UNIDO will promote trade and entrepreneurship education among youth to foster economic and social stabilization and prevent forced migration.
UNIDO will remain engaged on platforms like the Global Compact on Refugees, the Global Compact for Migration and the Global Migration Group.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
Mobilizing more programmatic funding on a global scale that is tailored to the needs of the forcibly displaced. More coordination with stakeholders at every level is needed.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
- Through counterpart buy-in at local and national levels, UNIDO was successful in providing migrants with employment opportunities in Ethiopia.
- Participation in national/international trade fairs to promote products resulting from displacement-related trainings.
- Partnerships with private sector for sustainability/up-scaling.
- Collaboration with academic institutions to assess impact of UNIDO intervention.
Community resilience, Displacement, Local action, Migrants
3DEmpower and protect women and girls
Individual Commitments (2)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
UNIDO commits to increase its technical cooperation to empower women to act as drivers for poverty reduction and social cohesion in their communities, by encouraging investment in women-owned businesses, strengthening women networks, improving access to markets and providing training, technology and clean energy solutions for inclusive and sustainable industrial development matching humanitarian actions and programmes.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
UNIDO commits to mainstream gender equality and empowerment of women in all its technical cooperation activities in the humanitarian context, in line with the organization's gender strategy 2016-2019.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) advances gender equality and women’s empowerment through implementation of its Gender Policy and Gender Strategy 2016-2019, which outlines gender mainstreaming and gender-targeted actions. This includes a comprehensive screening and review system to ensure that gender perspectives are integrated in all technical activities.
A gender marker is applied to all new projects, enabling the tracking and monitoring of financial resource allocation to projects with gender-related activities. 2017 data on the gender marker indicates that 81% of ongoing project outputs either have gender as a central focus or pay significant or some/limited attention to gender. A baseline in the percentage of project outputs focused on gender has been established for UNIDO to improve upon. UNIDO also integrates gender considerations and specific key performance indicators in its country programmes (CP) and Programmes for Country Partnership (PCP).
On the project level, UNIDO carried out various interventions addressing women in crisis and conflict situations, i.e.:
- Joint UNIDO-UNDP project supporting the post-conflict resilience capacity of women and youth in Gao and Timbuktu regions in Northern Mali through the promotion of dialogue, income-generating opportunities, micro-enterprises and skill transfers.
- Professional training and job insertion for youth in post-civil Côte d’Ivoire, in which a vocational training promoting good agricultural practices was implemented for 1179 individuals including 876 women (74.3 %) in four villages of the Dabou region.
- Promoting sustainable livelihoods for Syrian refugees in Northern and Central Badia, Jordan, which counted a majority of female participants (60% out of 490 total beneficiaries).
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- By reporting to, or using reports prepared for, UN principal organs, UN governing boards, or other international bodies
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
UNIDO aims to improve its organizational performance according to United Nations System-wide Action Plan on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-SWAP) requirements. In projects and programmes, gender-specific indicators measure changes in i.e. job creation, employment rates and income generation. Projects also collect sex-disaggregated data and qualitative information to analyze and track gender issues and include designed to be gender-responsive.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Data and analysis
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Funding amounts
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Limited availability of sex-disaggregated data for collection and analysis constrains UNIDO’s ability to measure baseline situations and extent of impacts. The projects’ impact might further be undermined due to societal customs: women acquire the same skills as men through the trainings but face cultural barriers when putting them into practice.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
- Developing a programme for the Economic Empowerment of Women to ensure the benefits of accelerated industrialization are distributed more equally.
- Indicators in UNIDO’s results-based management framework are currently being revised and will further facilitate measurement of UNIDO’s work to advance gender equality.
- Publication of a technical paper to strengthen knowledge of the gender-industrialization nexus, including analysis of sex-disaggregated manufacturing employment data.
- A gender award to recognize staff efforts to advance gender equality throughout UNIDO.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
For a membership-based organization like UNIDO, increased Member State support for advancing gender equality in industrialization will be crucial for ensuring further momentum and accountability in a view to achieve the transformation. Gender-sensitive training and programming should be facilitated on a global scale to ensure the empowerment and protection of women and girls.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
- In Côte d'Ivoire, UNIDO promoted “gender clubs” to raise awareness on gender mainstreaming and promote women-networks.
- UNIDO worked together with women-led Community-based Organizations for a project in Jordan.
- UNIDO collaborated with UN Women to launch online training module on “Gender, Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development” as part of the “I Know Gender” e-learning course.
3FEnable adolescents and young people to be agents of positive transformation
Individual Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- UNIDO commits to register as a supporter of the Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action and to continue developing and supporting youth employment initiatives, in order to create sustainable livelihoods for youth worldwide, especially those forcibly displaced and in host communities. Alongside humanitarian interventions, UNIDO will continue promoting sustainable (self-) employment solutions in an effort to address root causes of migration as well as providing sources of income and economic integration in host communities. UNIDO offers an integrated and coherent approach that combines macroeconomic and microeconomic interventions for tackling the specific vulnerabilities and needs of youth, taking into account the cultural, social and economic dimensions especially relevant for the youth forcibly displaced and in the host communities.
- Policy
- Leave No One Behind
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
In 2017, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) implemented various projects with a strong focus on youth in crisis situations. As such, UNIDO addressed youth unemployment and social stabilization in post-civil war and post-Ebola Liberia through a project inserted in the local wood furniture industry by providing vocational skills and carpentry training to unemployed youth and notably, school dropouts.
UNIDO equally implemented a project promoting vocational training to alleviate youth unemployment in post-conflict Côte d’Ivoire.
A UNIDO intervention in Sudan delivered vocational and technical skills training, increased the capacity of training institutions and facilitated access to micro-credit financing, entrepreneurship and coaching for start-ups.
In Ethiopia, UNIDO supported the Government to create decent and productive work for young women and men through the development of high potential sectors, particularly in the area of agro-industries, in a view to address irregular migration.
In Mali, a joint UNIDO-UNDP project supported the post-conflict resilience capacity of women and youth in Gao and Timbuktu regions in Northern Mali through the promotion of dialogue, income-generating opportunities, micro-enterprises and skill transfers.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- By reporting to, or using reports prepared for, UN principal organs, UN governing boards, or other international bodies
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Through assessing indicators included in logical frameworks of projects using monitoring and evaluation tools, carrying out field visits and conducting post-project impact studies. Youth-specific indicators related to professional integration of trainees (internships, employment, and income generating activities) are also included in relevant projects.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Data and analysis
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Other: Local administrative systems.
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Different local and administrative systems, poor human resources and challenging field conditions make implementation difficult at times.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
Some of the aforementioned projects continue in 2018, with monitoring and evaluation processes providing feedback on how to improve interventions. Follow-up and new projects are planned: in Liberia, a follow-up project will introduce the carpentry trainings for youth in other parts of the country. In north-eastern Nigeria, UNIDO will promote trade and entrepreneurship education among youth to strengthen economic resilience and social stabilization and to prevent forced migration and mobilization of youth by extremist groups.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
More youth-specific initiatives as well as awareness-raising on special needs and the potential of youth is needed at the global level. Additionally, reinforcing efforts to collect reliable youth-specific data, such as unemployment (broken down by sectors and geographically) and more joint programming, pooled/increased funding and increased scalability is needed.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
- Cooperation with local transnational corporations and an academic institution to carry out youth-related projects in Liberia.
- Assisting the central Government of Nigeria to reform the national education system.
Community resilience, Local action, Youth
4AReinforce, do not replace, national and local systems
Individual Commitments (3)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
UNIDO commits to comply with the Core Humanitarian Standard and International Aid Transparency Initiative Standard.
- Policy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
UNIDO commits to continue to provide vocational and entrepreneurship education and training to transfer industrial and entrepreneurial skills and knowledge that will help the vulnerable people caught in emergencies and crises raise (self-)employability and restore livelihoods. This becomes especially crucial in protracted situations with incrementally reduced humanitarian aid where a transition from aid-dependence to building resilience and self-reliance has to be pursued.
- Training
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- UNIDO commits to increase technical cooperation interventions to enhance the economic capacity of individuals, communities and institutions to withstand crisis and reinforce communities' capacities to mitigate effects of climate change and natural disasters by developing the private sector to increase self-reliance and resilience capacities and providing clean sources of energy, water and livelihoods recovery.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
Strengthening national/local leadership and systems
In 2017, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) implemented several projects contributing to the achievement of this transformation, i.e.:
- In Côte d’Ivoire, UNIDO provided capacity building at the institutional level for key actors in the government and for the management of pilot vocational centers. This included the implementation of a new governance system for the training centers; the development of a quality-based compliance plan; change management; analysis of training needs in synergy with the regional development; training of trainers; updating technical and pedagogic knowledge available to the Ministry.
- In Lebanon, UNIDO upgraded and rehabilitated a Carpentry Vocational Training Center, in partnership with the Ministry of Industry and in collaboration with the Directorate General of Vocational and Technical Education.
- In Egypt, Kenya, Senegal and South Africa, UNIDO helped strengthen climate resilience in the food production sector though inter alia Government actions.
Building community resilience
To support sustainable livelihoods and foster resilience and self-reliance of vulnerable groups, UNIDO provided vocational and entrepreneurship training in i.e. Jordan and Iraq for Syrian refugees, Iraqi IDPs and host communities, and in Liberia for youth in communities affected by concession projects.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- By reporting to, or using reports prepared for, UN principal organs, UN governing boards, or other international bodies
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Through assessing indicators included in logical frameworks of projects using monitoring and evaluation tools, carrying out field visits and conducting post-project impact studies.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Funding amounts
- Institutional/Internal constraints
- Multi-stakeholder coordination
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Host countries’ policies sometimes do not allow providing necessary assistance to people most in need (i.e. no work permits for refugees, no government approvals for programmes/projects). Very difficult to ensure sustainability and create long-term impacts due to short-term funding modalities from donors.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
On the project level, various UNIDO interventions in 2018 will focus on reinforcing local systems, i.e.:
- In Côte d’Ivoire, capacity-building training for members of the State Secretary and accountants of vocational centers and support the implementation of the 2016 – 2025 Strategic Plan to Reform Vocational Training.
- In Lebanon/Zgharta, UNIDO will help upgrade a Vocational Training Center to make it more sustainable and to enable it to train 150 young carpenters a year.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
- More coordination with stakeholders at every level.
- Long- term financing to monitor the accumulated benefits and further outreach activities to make the impact visible.
- Collective actions beyond the sub-sectors should be encouraged in order to establish climate resilience from a value chain point of view in the food production sector.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
- In Côte d’Ivoire, implementation of the new governance system in collaboration with UNIDO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Bank, State Secretary for Vocational Training and the French Development Agency.
- In Jordan, working together with pre-existing, local Community-based Organization in the host communities of Syrian refugees to implement the project.
Community resilience, Displacement, Local action
4BAnticipate, do not wait, for crises
Individual Commitments (2)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- UNIDO commits to continue to promote climate resilient industrial development that takes a systematic and integrated approach to managing multidimensional risks of climate change on industry and agri-businesses in particular. In pursuit of UNIDO's mandate, inclusive and sustainable industrial development, UNIDO supports industry in mainstreaming climate risk management into their operations through enhanced understanding of the risk and assisting companies to make informed decisions to manage risks, as well as mitigating climate change through the transfer of clean energy solutions.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
UNIDO welcomes the launching of the 'Connecting Business' portal and expresses its commitment for active engagement of UNIDO on this portal. UNIDO commits itself to further expand its programme with the private sector in Public Private Development Partnerships (PPDP) to developing quality industrial skills that meet the demands of the prevailing labor market. UNIDO is ready to share its experiences and its private sector partnerships by engaging in the community of practice of Connecting Business.
- Partnership
- Leave No One Behind Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
With regard to climate resilient industrial development, in 2017 the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) provided assistance in strengthening climate resilience in the food production sector in Egypt, Kenya, Senegal and South Africa. The project consists of 3 components – i) Government actions, ii) Green industry policy pilots, and iii) Business partnership. The aim of the project is to raise awareness and to demonstrate opportunities and benefits of low carbon and climate resilient development in the food production sector through application of policy instruments and Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) practices.
With regard to partnerships, UNIDO, together with leading private sector partners, development agencies and local governments, developed the following projects in 2017:
- H2O Maghreb: a Public Private Development Partnership (PPDP) project in Morocco a with focus on Aquatronics training.
- ACCES: PPDP project in Morocco with a focus on heavy duty equipment operators and drivers training including soft skills.
- CVD: PPDP project in Ethiopia with a focus on heavy duty equipment technician and industrial vehicle training.
Furthermore, UNIDO continued implementation of the following PPDP projects: AGEVEC (Morocco), JHEOS (Liberia) and ZAMITA (Zambia). All PPDP projects are implemented under the umbrella of the Learning and Knowledge Development Facility (LKDF), a knowledge platform through which experiences and lessons learned are extracted and shared with the public.
Also in 2017, the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN), a multilateral public private partnership, initiated by the Climate Technology Initiative and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), came to be hosted by UNIDO.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- By reporting to, or using reports prepared for, UN principal organs, UN governing boards, or other international bodies
- Through multi-stakeholder processes or initiatives (e.g. IASC, Grand Bargain, Charter for Change, etc).
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Climate resilient industrial development:
- Project implementation is monitored and stakeholder consultations are carried out.
- To provide quantifiable insights into the effectiveness of each PPDP, LKDF developed a systematic, portfolio-level M&E framework using 14 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), allowing for comparison between projects and achievements at the PPDP portfolio level.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Funding amounts
- Institutional/Internal constraints
- Multi-stakeholder coordination
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
With more funds, UNIDO’s activities supporting climate resilient industrial development could reach more beneficiaries, especially in the food production sector in developing countries.
For partnerships, challenges include multi-stakeholder coordination, time and human resource intensive processes with uncertain returns, which is not always aligned with results-driven institutional requirements, including funding modalities.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
In 2018, UNIDO’s activities on climate resilient industrial development will focus on outreach of demonstrated benefits and encouraging support within the private sector.
For partnerships, UNIDO will:
- implement new PPDPs on industrial skills focusing on replicability and scalability.
- roll out partnership M&E framework across PPDPs and other UNIDO business partnerships.
- share experiences and partnerships, among others, by engaging community of practice of Connecting Business.
- organize series of PFAN Investment Forums.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
With regard to climate resilient industrial development:
- Collective actions beyond sub-sectors to establish climate resilience from a value chain point of view.
- Long-term financing to monitor benefits and further outreach activities.
- Involve effective national partners to help governments, empower local counterparts.
For partnerships:
Promote learning and knowledge development on factors for success in public private partnerships and apply lessons learned to new partnerships to make best use of shared resources.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
- International interactive meetings to share experience and lessons learned.
- PFAN addresses barriers for SMEs in developing countries and emerging economies, by leveraging private sector investment with a small amount of public funds (leverage rate of USD 80-100 for every USD 1 of donor funds).
Community resilience, Private sector
4CDeliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides
Individual Commitments (3)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- UNIDO commits, to work together with a diverse range of local and global actors, toward achieving collective outcomes that would reduce medium- and long-term risk and vulnerability of the affected people in such a way to seamlessly complement humanitarian operations from the very start of any crises, by promoting use of knowledge and creativity to bring about resilience and economic self-sufficiency.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
UNIDO continues working closely with other development partners, business sector, academia, NGOs and CSOs in identifying issues, sharing experiences and jointly finding solutions. UNIDO is ready to bring its solutions and innovations to this global platform.
- Partnership
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
UNIDO welcomes the launching of the Global Alliance for Humanitarian Innovation and commits to actively engage in this platform.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) was committed to bridging the humanitarian-development divide by providing long-term solutions to protracted crisis situations. Examples of this are UNIDO interventions fostering sustainable livelihoods for Syrian refugees and host communities in Jordan and Lebanon and for Syrian refugees, Iraqi internally displaced persons and host communities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
- UNIDO works closely with stakeholders to identify upcoming development issues and share best practices and solutions through platforms such as the Learning and Knowledge Development Facility (LKDF), the Energy Efficiency Accelerator, Chemical Leasing, the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) among others
- Two new Programmes for County Partnership (PCPs) were agreed upon and announced in 2017. PCP is an innovative model that brings together relevant development partners under the leadership of the host government to accelerate the achievement of inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID).
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- By reporting to, or using reports prepared for, UN principal organs, UN governing boards, or other international bodies
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Each project or programme features a monitoring and evaluation framework according to UNIDO requirements. On the partnership level, in 2017 UNIDO has introduced a new monitoring and evaluation framework with a view to measuring partnership impact.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Data and analysis
- Institutional/Internal constraints
- Multi-stakeholder coordination
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Coordinating efficient action among a variety of donors and implementing partners is a challenge towards meeting shared objectives. Miscommunication between headquarters and cooperating partners in project countries have caused delays and hindered achievement of the transformation. The need for systematic data collection and analysis increases the burden on actors involved.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
UNIDO will remain engaged in and report to the UN system on platforms like the Global Compact on Refugees, the Global Compact for Migration and the Global Migration Group. Additionally, UNIDO will convene events like the Special Session of the 2018 Vienna Energy Forum, the 3rd BRIDGE for Cities event, the roadshow of the Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit (GMIS), PFAN Investment Forums or the European Investment Bank’s Africa Day (jointly organized with UNIDO).
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
Progress to achieving transformational change requires collective action towards shared goals, including through multi-stakeholder partnerships between the business sector, development institutions, global environmental financing mechanisms and financial institutions, to effectively pool and coordinate resources, including finance, technology or expertise. It is also required to monitor and evaluate partnership practices in order to gain further insights on factors of success and failure in partnerships to promote learning and good practices.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
- Basing project implementation approach on collaboration with local Community-based Organizations or transnational corporations.
- Engaging with academic institutions to implement projects or assess their impact.
- UNIDO’s Programme for Country Partnership (PCP) model.
- Joint publication with the World Bank Group and GIZ on an international framework for eco-industrial parks.
Displacement, Humanitarian-development nexus, Private sector