1CRemain engaged and invest in stability
Individual Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- In fragile and conflict areas Cordaid rebuilds trust, resilience and self-reliance. It commits to equip and empower local communities to set their peace and development agendas and become leaders of social transformation. It will help build government systems that are sustainable and responsive to community needs.
- Operational
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
Core Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to address root causes of conflict and work to reduce fragility by investing in the development of inclusive, peaceful societies.
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
In 2017 Cordaid continued working in eight conflict affected countries in/on fragility contributing to reduced vulnerability and strengthened capacity of communities and systems and thereby contributing to stability. Cordaid contributed through he following programs: health, health systems strengthening and sexual and reproductive health and rights, community resilience, security and justice and humanitarian aid.
During 2017 Cordaid invested in strengthening links and synergies between humanitarian aid and development programming that will further enhance contributions to stability. In Afghanistan and South Sudan plans have been developed for linking humanitarian and development have been made and are being implemented. In the Central African Republic (CAR) an LRRD (linking relief, rehabilitation and development) strategy for education was developed.
LRRD is included as a major theme in the Cordaid strategic planning 2018-2021.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- Through multi-stakeholder processes or initiatives (e.g. IASC, Grand Bargain, Charter for Change, etc).
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Progress in LRRD is monitored by management, the fact that specific sessions on LRRD were included in the strategic planning at Cordaid overall and at country office level shows Cordaid is moving in that direction.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Funding amounts
- Funding modalities (earmarking, priorities, yearly agreements, risk aversion measures)
- Joined-up humanitarian-development analysis, planning, funding and/or response
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Project based funding and silos between humanitarian aid and development donors hamper contributions to stability and longer term engagement. Longer term predictable financing and/or more synergy between humanitarian and development donors (respecting humanitarian principles) would greatly help.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
Cordaid is further focusing work on fragile countries and will continue to invest in developing synergies between humanitarian aid and development programming while respecting humanitarian principles.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
More advocacy with donors (non-governmental organization (NGO) to donor) but also donor to donor to challenge donors to change the silosystem to be more supportive ot LRRD.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
In discussions with the DRA (Dutch Relief Alliance, an alliance in humanitarian aid which Cordaid is part of), the Dutch Government decided in 2017 to change the year based project funding into a more predictable longer term funding for the DRA for protracted crisis. This is a good example for other donors.
Gender, Humanitarian-development nexus
1DDevelop solutions with and for people
Individual Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
As part of the Caritas Network Cordaid will commit to the outcomes of the special session on Religious Engagement.
- Policy
- Political Leadership to Prevent and End Conflicts
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
Cordaid is part of the Caritas network. The secretariat of the network takes the lead in follow up of the session on religious engagement.
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
The lead is with the Caritas network secretariat who will assess progress and share within the network.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Institutional/Internal constraints
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Capacity and time within the network to follow up.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
The network has the lead.
Religious engagement
2BEnsure full access to and protection of the humanitarian and medical missions
Individual Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- As a humanitarian organization Cordaid commits to have greater transparency on how it uphold the humanitarian principles, including on the constraints in applying them, through peer-to-peer lesson learning or other relevant accountability mechanism to encourage our compliance to the humanitarian principles.
- Operational
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Core Commitments (2)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to ensure all populations in need receive rapid and unimpeded humanitarian assistance.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Commit to promote and enhance efforts to respect and protect medical personnel, transports and facilities, as well as humanitarian relief personnel and assets against attacks, threats or other violent acts.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
Cordaid did a self-assessment against the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) and developed a follow-up action plan. Cordaid also included CHS in standard emergency preparedness and protection mainstreaming training,
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
The CHS self assessment identified a number of issues to work on to enhance CHS compliance.. A plan has been made and will be monitored.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Institutional/Internal constraints
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Compliance to principles and Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) is one of many competing issues for attention and improvement within the organization.
Cordaid is a multi-mandate organization that tries to link humanitarian and development programming which sometimes generates dilemmas and challenges in convincing development units on priority of humanitarian principles.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
CHS self-assessment generated an improvement plan which the organization will continue to work on in 2018.
Cordaid will continue to do staff orientation on principles as part of different trainings and promote internal discussions on dilemmas.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
The CHS self-assessment was a good practice because it internally generated attention for humanitarian principles and standards.
Humanitarian principles, Quality and accountability standards
3DEmpower and protect women and girls
Individual Commitments (2)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- Cordaid, on behalf of the Jeune S3 consortium, commits to spend 30 million over 5 years (2016-2020) in fragile African Francophone countries to ensure that young people (10 to 24 years old) and especially girls are able, motivated and have the opportunity to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and that their sexual and reproductive rights are respected.
- Financial
- Leave No One Behind
To empower women and girls as change agents and leaders, in all of its humanitarian aid programs Cordaid will ensure women's participation in community governance groups. To ensure that its humanitarian programming is gender responsive, it will undertake an assessments with disaggregated data, and its intervention are informed by gender analysis. Cordaid is focused on informed decision-making, access to family planning for families and youth, and most importantly through empowering girls.
- Operational
- Leave No One Behind
Core Commitments (2)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Empower Women and Girls as change agents and leaders, including by increasing support for local women's groups to participate meaningfully in humanitarian action.
- Leave No One Behind
- Ensure that humanitarian programming is gender responsive.
- Leave No One Behind
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
The Jeune S3 program is ongoing and contributes to protection and empowerment of young girls through the provision of a full comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) education package in 60 schools and 40 youth organisations in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and 17 schools and 33 youth organisations in the Central African Republic (CAR). Topic included among others, gender, relationships, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), personal lifeskills and rights.
In addition the programs creates, in the same target areas, a more enabling community environment concerning the rights of young people and their access to SRHR services.
The use of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) (SRHR) is explored in CAR and South Sudan. The health Results-Based Financing (RBF) program promote inclusion of women in all health committees. Cordaid prepared a presentation on SRHR and gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian context for a workshop with the Dutch relief alliance and gender organisations. This is part of a broader exploration of synergies between health and humanitarian aid with regard to SRHR and GBV..
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Normal program evaluations. Cordaid is also internally assessing if new innovative programs, practices and products are generated that could be an indicator for innovative contributions.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Buy-in
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Institutional/Internal constraints
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Developing innovative programming between health and humanitarian units takes time and there is no cost recovery.
Humanitarian programs are often in insecure areas where access an be a problem - SRHRand GBV related services (like a basic health system) are often non or hardly exisiting. Often SRHR is not seen as a priority.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
Development of an integrated approach for GBV combining health, security and justice and humanitarian aid interventions and services. An intern has been recruited to support this.
The Jeune S3 program will continue.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
More access and coordination around kits SRHR .
Maintaining a minimal level of health services in areas affected by protracted crisis is important. Development donors should be less risk averse and (continue) support even in crisis (crisis modifiers) and immediately after crisis pick up the longer term support.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
Getting together with three units and develop a TOR for an intern was a supportive activity.
4AReinforce, do not replace, national and local systems
Individual Commitments (3)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Cordaid adheres to SPHERE standards and Red Cross/ Red Crescent Code of Conduct and intends to organize a verification against the Core Humanitarian Standards by 2017.
- Policy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Cordaid is committed to the integration of risk reduction and resilience into its humanitarian programming; capacity building of local actors in emergeny preparedness and response; transcending the humanitarian-development divide; and strengthening protection mainstreaming.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Cordaid commits to establishing a common approach to providing information to affected people and collecting, aggregating and analysing feedback from communities to influence decision-making processes at strategic and operational levels.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitments (4)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to reinforce national and local leadership and capacities in managing disaster and climate-related risks through strengthened preparedness and predictable response and recovery arrangements.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to increase investment in building community resilience as a critical first line of response, with the full and effective participation of women.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to empower national and local humanitarian action by increasing the share of financing accessible to local and national humanitarian actors and supporting the enhancement of their national delivery systems, capacities and preparedness planning.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
Adherence to quality and accountability standards (e.g. CHS, SPHERE)
Cordaid went through a Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) self-assessment and action plan.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Through repeating the assessment on the longer term.
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Institutional/Internal constraints
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Competing priorities in the organisation- lack of time.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
Cordaid selected partnerships with local organisations as one of the CHS self assessment issues that Cordaid wants to improve.
Plan is made.
Local action, Quality and accountability standards
4BAnticipate, do not wait, for crises
Individual Commitments (4)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- A part of its policy dialogue on the importance of integrated risk management, Cordaid will focus on major donors and private sector companies. It plans to enhance investments in disaster resilience measures at community level (in practice), from 2016 to 2020, in at least 8 developing countries (South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Philippines).
- Financial
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Cordaid will include specific budget for risk management and preparedness.
- Advocacy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- In line with its Resilience Communities programme, Cordaid will contribute to several targets from the SFDRR, the SDGs and the Climate Agreement from 2016-2020, in at least 8 developing countries (South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Philippines).
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
In line with its Resilient Communities and Humanitarian Aid programmes, Cordaid will work on disaster preparedness at community level and organizational level. After major disasters these two Cordaid programmes will work together on Resilient Recovery activities from 2016 to 2020.
- Operational
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitments (2)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
- Commit to accelerate the reduction of disaster and climate-related risks through the coherent implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, as well as other relevant strategies and programs of action, including the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
In 2017 Cordaid contributed to enhanced community resilience in nine program countries (Myanmar, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Guatemala). Cordaid supported about 45 resilience projects in these countries, focussing on participatory planning, implementation and monitoring of resilience measures in rural and urban areas. Most of its resilience projects are based on an Integrated Risk Management approach, combining disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities with climate change adaptation and ecosystem management & restoration activities.
Emergency preparedness training in three countries. Emergency preparedness in DRA (Dutch relief alliance ) developed.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- By reporting to, or using reports prepared for, UN principal organs, UN governing boards, or other international bodies
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Funding amounts
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Funding for resilience programming is very limited.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
Resilience program ongoing 2018
Preparedness trainings planned for 2 countries
Adaptation resilient recovery approach to conflict settings will be finalized in 2018.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
Donors to allocate more resources to resilience,
Disaster Risk Reduction, People-centred approach
4CDeliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides
Individual Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
As a member of the Urban Crisis Alliance, Cordaid will respect the Urban Charter and develop specific approaches for response and resilience in urban contexts.
- Policy
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
Core Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to a new way of working that meets people's immediate humanitarian needs, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years through the achievement of collective outcomes. To achieve this, commit to the following: a) Anticipate, Do Not Wait: to invest in risk analysis and to incentivize early action in order to minimize the impact and frequency of known risks and hazards on people. b) Reinforce, Do Not Replace: to support and invest in local, national and regional leadership, capacity strengthening and response systems, avoiding duplicative international mechanisms wherever possible. c) Preserve and retain emergency capacity: to deliver predictable and flexible urgent and life-saving assistance and protection in accordance with humanitarian principles. d) Transcend Humanitarian-Development Divides: work together, toward collective outcomes that ensure humanitarian needs are met, while at the same time reducing risk and vulnerability over multiple years and based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors. The primacy of humanitarian principles will continue to underpin humanitarian action.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
Joined-up humanitarian-development analysis and planning towards collective outcomes
Combination of humanitarian and resilience approaches further developed and implemented for urban contexts.
Cordaid delivered a presentation in the side-event of ALNAP at the ninth session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9) in Kuala Lumpur. “Improving Urban Humanitarian Response: How Far Have We Come? What’s Next on the Horizon?”.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Slow due to lack of staff and funding,
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Funding amounts
- Human resources/capacity
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Cordaid has invested in a combined approach but currently programming is limited.
Humanitarian-development nexus
5AInvest in local capacities
Individual Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
- Cordaid supports the Charter for Change, which pledges 20% financing of national / local organizations in 2020.
- Financial
- Invest in Humanity
Core Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to empower national and local humanitarian action by increasing the share of financing accessible to local and national humanitarian actors and supporting the enhancement of their national delivery systems, capacities and preparedness planning.
- Change People's Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need Invest in Humanity
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
Addressing blockages/challenges to direct investments at the national/local level
- Worked on capacity strengthening of around ten partners.
- Continued follow-up of the Charter for Change (C4C) to which Cordaid is signatory.
- Became co-chair of DRA (Dutch relief alliance)localization working group.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
- Through multi-stakeholder processes or initiatives (e.g. IASC, Grand Bargain, Charter for Change, etc).
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Reporting to C4C, International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Institutional/Internal constraints
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
Cordaid works in fragile contexts. In several of them, like the Central African Republic (CAR), the capacity of local actors is limited and Cordaid does not have enough resources to invest on the longer run and/or there are too many organisations working with the stronger local organisations already.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
Cordaid will review its partnership policy and tools.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
The DRA has selected localization as one of their major theme's for collaborative impact of the alliance.
Local action
5EDiversify the resource base and increase cost-efficiency
Individual Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Cordaid commits to the Charter for Change. In order to increase transparency and accountability, Cordaid has committed to publish all project data through IATI.
- Policy
- Invest in Humanity
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) has been further developed and implemented within Cordaid and within the Dutch relief alliance,
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Cordaid and Dutch relief alliance are using IATI.
6. List any good practice or examples of innovation undertaken individually or in cooperation with others to advance this transformation.
The Dutch relief alliances is reporting all programs in IATI.
Transparency / IATI