2ARespect and protect civilians and civilian objects in the conduct of hostilities
Individual Commitments (4)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Geneva Call commits to report on its commitments and the outcomes achieved during the next follow up Summit meeting.
- Operational
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Geneva Call commits to encourage non-State armed groups to refrain from using explosive weapons in densely populated areas.
- Advocacy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Geneva Call commits to initiate dialogue with non-State armed groups on the protection of displaced persons and to explore engagement with them on the protection and respect of the medical mission.
- Operational
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Geneva Call commits to promote the implementation of the Guidelines for Protecting Schools and Universities from Military Use during Armed Conflict to 35 non-State armed groups.
- Advocacy
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Core Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and enhance the protection of civilians and civilian objects, especially in the conduct of hostilities, for instance by working to prevent civilian harm resulting from the use of wide-area explosive weapons in populated areas, and by sparing civilian infrastructure from military use in the conduct of military operations.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
Geneva Call (GC) undertook the following concrete actions to implement its commitments:
• Interviewed armed non-State actors (ANSAs) with whom GC has a humanitarian dialogue, and published their policies on the protection of civilians from the use of explosive weapons, as well as on the protection of schools from military use and attacks in November and December 2017 respectively.
• Initiated discussions with six ANSA on displacement, resulting in all of them expressing an interest to work with Geneva Call on the topic.
• Undertook staff trainings, as well as produced and field-tested training material, with two ANSAs on the displacement in order to equip staff to engage ANSAs on displacement and the safe school process.
• Conducted two specific trainings on the protection of schools from military use and attacks with seven ANSAs, while integrating the topic within child protection trainings with another 9 ANSAs.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Number of dialogues, analysis of exchanges, level/feedback of interlocutors, analysis of statements
Number of trainings/participants, workshop evaluations/observations
Before/after engagement trends
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Funding amounts
- Other: Competing priorities within the organization.
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
The challenges are delaying the implementation of activities, specifically for displacement. Things are moving forward, just more slowly than originally planned. Lack of funding specifically impacts Geneva Call’s ability to develop activities in some countries or with some actors.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
In 2018, Geneva Call plans to further advance its commitments by:
- Developing a Deed of Commitment on protecting the medical care
- Developing specific training material and tools on explosive weapons, protection of the medical care, and displacement
- Expanding the engagement and training of ANSAs on the protection of civilians from explosive weapons, the protection of schools from military use and attacks, the protection of the medical care, and the protection of displaced persons.
5. What steps or actions are needed to make collective progress to achieve this transformation?
- Humanitarian actors should allow for and increase their capacities to engage ANSAs on the protection of civilians in order to prevent violations.
- There needs to be increased support to engagement efforts, including ANSA implementation efforts, from stakeholders, specifically specialized agencies and donors.
Displacement, Protection
2DTake concrete steps to improve compliance and accountability
Individual Commitments (3)
- Commitment
- Commitment Type
- Core Responsibility
Geneva Call commits to report on its commitments and the outcomes achieved during the next follow up Summit meeting.
- Operational
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Geneva Call commits to collect public individual commitments from non-State armed groups to respect norms of international humanitarian and human rights law and to monitor their implementation.
- Operational
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
- Geneva Call commits to further develop training sessions to 60 non-state armed groups on international humanitarian and human rights law, with a focus on humanitarian mine action, child protection and the prohibition of sexual violence.
- Training
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Core Commitments (1)
- Commitment
- Core Responsibility
- Commit to promote and enhance respect for international humanitarian law, international human rights law, and refugee law, where applicable.
- Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
1. Highlight the concrete actions taken between 1 January – 31 December 2017 to implement the commitments which contribute to achieving this transformation. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant data/figures.
IHL and IHRL compliance and accountability
- Directly trained 1,298 (131 women) armed non-State actors (ANSA) members from 29 ANSAs on humanitarian norms in six countries.
- Ran the Fighter not Killer campaign in Yemen, DRC, Turkey, Syria and Iraq, via social media, TV and radio.
- Collected the signatures of eight Syrian ANSAs on two or more of Geneva Call’s Deeds of Commitment (three on the anti-personnel mine ban, seven on the protection of children in armed conflict, and eight on sexual violence/gender discrimination); worked with six ANSAs to revise their Codes of Conduct to integrate IHL.
- Conducted three field monitoring visits to check on Deed of Commitment adherence.
- Contributed to approximately 290 children being released from ANSAs in Colombia and the DRC from September 2016 – December 2017, the destruction of 2,446 stockpiled anti-personnel mines in Western Sahara as per a Deed of Commitment requirement, and the opening up of new areas for humanitarian mine action in Myanmar and Colombia.
Gender-based violence prevention and response
- Eight Syrian ANSAs signed Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment prohibiting sexual violence and towards the elimination of gender discrimination.
- Conducted seven trainings specifically on sexual violence and gender discrimination for more than 211 ANSA members (including 19 women) from 12 ANSAs, not to mention an addition 51 trainings on IHL that include a component on the prohibition of sexual violence conducted directly by Geneva Call or indirectly by those trained and supported by Geneva Call that reached an additional 2,130 participants, including 108 women, from 16 ANSAs.
2. A. How are you measuring progress toward achieving your commitments? Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Through existing, internal systems or frameworks for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation.
B. How are you assessing whether progress on commitments is leading toward change in the direction of the transformation?
Number of policy/practice changes
Number of trainings/participants, workshop evaluations/observations
Compliance reports/field verifications
Before/after engagement trends
3. A. Please select no more than 3 key challenges faced in implementing the commitments related to this transformation. Only the categories selected by the organisation will be seen below.
- Field conditions, including insecurity and access
- Funding amounts
- Other: It takes time for ANSAs to change their policies and practices.
B. How are these challenges impacting achievement of this transformation?
There are some delays in undertaking planned activities and in realization of outcomes. As mentioned above, lack of funding specifically impacts Geneva Call’s ability to develop activities in some countries or with some actors.
4. Highlight actions planned for 2018 to advance implementation of your commitments in order to achieve this transformation.
In 2018, Geneva Call will continue to advance its commitments by undertaking trainings of ANSAs on humanitarian norms and collecting and monitoring commitments to the same.
Displacement, Humanitarian principles, IHL compliance and accountability, Protection