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Self Report for Initiatives in 2018

The updates on initiatives shown below allow members or signatories to WHS initiatives to report on actions taken in support of the respective initiative. They are not intended to replace reporting processes undertaken by initiative secretariats.

  • Risk and Vulnerability Data Platform

    What concrete actions have you taken in support of the initiative.

    In 2017 UNDP commissioned a feasibility study for the Global Resource Information Database (GRID), which was completed in July 2017, and presented to stakeholders and partners in September 2017. The study concluded that there was a definite need for a tool or platform like the GRID, and recommended a proof of concept be prepared. It was decided that UNDP should continue to shepherd the initiative, and develop a concept for next steps. In recent months UNDP has been exploring how best to configure GRID and build on existing initiatives, both internal to UNDP and external, to ensure (as a starting point) joint and comprehensive risk assessment at the country level

  • The Connecting Business Initiative

    What concrete actions have you taken in support of the initiative.

    The Connecting Business initiative (CBi)  facilitated the engagement of national and global private sector in disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness, response and recovery. In 2017, CBi provided support to 13 private sector-led networks to anticipate, strategically engage in disaster-management and connect to disaster-management mechanisms. The networks provided contributions estimated at about US$20 million (financial and in-kind) (self-reporting). Eight of the networks responded to emergencies in 2017 and others worked on preparedness and recovery activities. CBi also developed two flagship tools for the private sector networks and built a global online portal which was had viewers from 157 countries. In 2018, CBi will continue to strengthen the existing CBi networks and will include 3-4 new networks. In addition, three new work areas are introduced: 1) Complex emergencies 2) Impact measurement 3) New technologies. CBi networks are championing a new way of working;resulted into many innovative examples. Please contact UNDP for further follow up.