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Self Report 2017

The self-report on WHS Commitments below is organized according to the 24 transformations of the Agenda for Humanity. It is based on commitments pledged at the time of report submission. Click on the 'Expand' symbol to expand each section and read the reporting inputs by transformation.

Remain engaged and invest in stability

Individual Commitment

Core Commitment

  • Achievements at a glance

    The evaluation of the Slovak Republic practice of providing humanitarian aid has been initiated. The evaluation is in process.

Eliminate gaps in education for children, adolescents and young people

Individual Commitment

  • Achievements at a glance

    In line with the decision of the Government of the Slovak Republic 30 governmental scholarships were provided for the school year 2016/17. There shall be an additional 520 governmental scholarships provided mostly for Syrian refugees in the course of 2017/2021.

    In addition, the Slovak Republic as of 2016 has prepared a special grant scheme and adjusted other modalities of the Slovak Republic's development cooperation to support education and health care humanitarian projects in Syria and neighbouring countries. The total amount of finance provided was over EUR 1.1 million. This does not encompass financial means provided to various international organisations to deal with the consequences of the migration crisis in 2016.

Anticipate, do not wait, for crises

Individual Commitment

Core Commitment

  • Achievements at a glance

    The amendment of the Income Tax Law of the Slovak Republic (valid from January 1, 2017) grants the exemption from duty of income tax payment in cases of the products (material) provided by commercial entities to the state is used as official humanitarian aid abroad. In this regard, additional law amendments (VAT Law Act) are under consideration.

Deliver collective outcomes: transcend humanitarian-development divides

Individual Commitment

Core Commitment

  • Achievements at a glance

    The total volume of humanitarian aid of the Slovak Republic in 2015 totaled EUR 2.252 million. Humanitarian aid provided by the Slovak Republic in 2016 totaled EUR 10.5 million.

    With respect to the new module for short-term mission to be used by the EU Mechanism for Civil Protection, no progress can be reported yet.