Vision and Objectives
The online Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformations (PACT) was created to sustain the spirit of collaboration demonstrated at the World Humanitarian Summit and to ensure continued progress in the advancement of the Agenda for Humanity. PACT is a dynamic advocacy tool for all stakeholders in their efforts to advance the Agenda for Humanity and the commitments made at the Summit and to foster new commitments and partnerships.
The platform displays alignments with core commitments, individual and joint commitments, as well as some of the initiatives launched during the World Humanitarian Summit process. Users are able to search for commitments by core responsibilities, commitment types (policy, operational or financial), stakeholders, regions and keywords. Users will also have the possibility to learn more about the initiatives, partnerships and alliances launched during the World Humanitarian Summit process. The platform's features will be expanded and updated over time to sustain the spirit of dynamic collaboration and ensure continued progress in the advancement of the Agenda for Humanity.

Supporting this will require a shared hub that serves as the centerpiece for collaboration, promotion of the Agenda for Humanity, sharing of good practices,and other dynamic forms of engagement. For this reason, I call for the establishment of an Online Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformation (PACT).

Former UN Secretary-General
Commitments to Action
Two types of commitments were gathered before and during the Summit. Participants were invited to align themselves with 32 core commitments, derived from stakeholder consultations and anchored in the Agenda for Humanity. They were also invited to make additional individual or joint commitments to help achieve the Agenda for Humanity.
Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformation
What is PACT?
PACT stands for Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformations. The platform was created after the World Humanitarian Summit, as a hub for the commitments made and initiatives launched at the Summit in support of the Agenda for Humanity. PACT is a dynamic advocacy tool for all stakeholders in their efforts to advance the Agenda for Humanity and the commitments made at the Summit and to foster new commitments and partnerships.
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) was tasked to create the online Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformations (PACT). PACT will serve as a dynamic advocacy tool for all stakeholders in their efforts to advance the Agenda for Humanity and the commitments made at the Summit and to foster new commitments and partnerships. To achieve this the PACT will:
o showcase and explore the commitments and initiatives made during the World Humanitarian Summit process
o empower stakeholders to make new commitments in support of the Agenda for Humanity
o catalyse new partnerships and collaborations to advance the Agenda for Humanity
o record how commitments are turned into action in order to deliver better for people across the globe, document progress, success stories and achievements -
What is displayed on PACT?
The platform displays alignments with core commitments, individual and joint commitments, as well as some of the initiatives initiatives launched during the World Humanitarian Summit process.
Why and when was the PACT archived?The Report of the Secretary-General on the outcomes of the World Humanitarian Summit (A/71/353) established the online Platform for Actions, Commitments and Transformations (PACT) for a period of three to five years. 2019 – the third year of reporting since the Summit – was the final year of self-reporting and the 2019 Annual Synthesis Report became the final report in the ‘series’. No further reporting on commitments made during the Summit is expected this year or in future. With the conclusion of the self-reflectin process, the PACT was transitioned into an online archive. The PACT will continue to be public, housing all the data and reporting on commitments as well as material from the World Humanitarian Summit.
What is the difference between core commitments and individual and joint commitments?
Two types of commitments were gathered before and during the Summit. Core commitments were developed ahead of the Summit and reflect the crucial policy and operational steps required to achieve the implementation of the Agenda for Humanity. At the Summit, stakeholders could endorse core commitments by aligning their government or their organization with them.
In addition to the 32 core commitments, stakeholders were invited to make their own commitments, either individually or together with other stakeholders. These individual and joint commitments are intended as tangible actions that support the implementation of a core commitment, or more broadly to help achieve the Agenda for Humanity.
With the PACT archived, is it still possible to edit/delete/add commitments?Unfortunately, it is on longer possible to edit/delete/add commitments. The information in the PACT reflects stakeholders' commitments as of February 2020.
What are the initiatives?
More than a dozen initiatives, partnerships, platforms and alliances were either newly developed or strengthened through the World Humanitarian Summit process and will help implement the Core Responsibilities and turn the Agenda for Humanity into reality. Initiatives range from a new platform to provide education to millions of children in emergencies, to a new preparedness partnership, and several initiatives that seek to promote greater inclusivity in humanitarian action. These new initiatives aim to ensure the needs of persons with disabilities, children and youth, migrants, older persons, and other marginalized people are fully taken into account in preparedness and response. More information on some of the initiatives, partnerships, alliances and platforms can be found here.